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Cool Glambert Tweet of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

that is just one of the sweetest and clever tweets I have ever seen. notice Adam's black nail polish. Thanks Vietnam fans.

Anonymous said...

Count me in on that.

Anonymous said...

Lovely fans from Vietnam,so beautiful to read!It really is true Adam has the most passionate fans,ones that will love and stick by him forever!

leilani aloha said...

AWWWW;;; Vietnam Glamberts, we r with U too all the way for Adam!!!
Yay! "Adam Love" Worldwide!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam sees this! Talk about a wonderful message from the heart. Adam has fans like this all over the world.


Anonymous said...

I love Adam. ♥

Anonymous said...

Adam has such wonderful, loyal fans all over and I feel the same way. Thank you Vietnam fans for this heartfelt message. :)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Thank you Vietnam fans. We feel the same way <3


Anonymous said...

I guess several fans will probably tweet it to him; so he will probably see it; I certainlly hope so. So beautiful!

Anonymous said...
