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Cute Tweet of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

I know that, I say that, and I LOVE to hear others say it. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see a luggage tag of Adam, I would know that that PERSON IS a GLAMBERT.

Anonymous said...

Any sign of anything on a person that would say hey I am a Adam Lambert fan, would definitely bring up a conversation. I would be so happy to talk Adam talk.

Anonymous said...

12:51 All it takes is to get off your computer, wear your Adam shirt to the grocery store and bam Adam conversations all over the place. Wonderful way to make new converts...But you must leave your house.

Anonymous said...

I wish they'd make BIGGER t-shirts. I'm not so big, but I love to wear really BIG tees. Hate the tight 'sausage skin look', the too tight tees. Not pretty. On anyone. jmo

Anonymous said...


I would love that big T too and I'm size 8.