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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

I can't tell what Adam's holding, but he sure looks sexy doing it. ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't tell what it is either.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a bag of organic prunes?

Anonymous said...

What is it????????????

daydreamin said...

This may have already been posted but just in case, here is an interview with Brian May dated Oct 25. He discusses Adam as well as their new movie beginning around 9:25:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

An object containing his favorite tipple??

Anonymous said...

A mask????

Anonymous said...

Italian roast coffee?

Anonymous said...

It looks like a bag of coffee to me too....anyone recognize the logo on that bag? Backwards B and frontwards B?
Bijou B------ ? Looks like Bicitte ?????

My detecting skills are not working!.....JAK
Shamefully nosy!

Anonymous said...

The girl that met him said she brought him chocolate biscuits from her home town. Maybe that is what us in the bag.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say brownies but Italian chocolate cookies are more like it. Yum yum!

Anonymous said...

BUOUNA BISCITTI. I think that's what's written on that shopping bag.