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FOUR YEARS AGO: Adam Lambert on The View

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

I remember this show!
FYE is one of my favorite Adams song ever!
He looked stunning on AMA´s stage!


Anonymous said...

...and the show, the View, was on channel ABC by the way...

M continues

Anonymous said...

I hope he will be able to return to some of these ABC shows when his Album comes out; The view, Kelly and Michael and any other that will help spread the word; also, spreading the word about his Queen 2014 pending events; will be another reason to have him booked for as many shows as possible.

Would love to seem Adam on the Talk again. That was so much fun. I just love seeing Adam on my TV screen in any capacity. There have been a lot of guest co-hosts on many of these shows; Adam would be great with that!

Adamluv said...

And thank you, Joy Behar, for stating what this "big deal" was really about- homophobia!!!!!!!!! Sherry Shepard again showed what a dumbass she is. Why no big stink made about Rihanna and all the guns on stage nor gagga and all the bottles of alcohol on stage, nor Jennifer lopez and her one male dancers face in her crotch? All performers that came on before Adam (for those of you that never saw the broadcast.) Watching this just brought back to me the anger I felt at the injustice of it all. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

As Ad has said a wild year is coming up in 2014. We need to support him the best of our ability. I have very good feelings about next couple of years. 2014 really good feelings.
Like on previous post earlier the T's will be in force. Trespassing over all did pretty well people like that love to ignore his international sales.
Britney Spears last alb sold 107.000 first week much less than usual and over all not killing it. She had tons of exposure and had radio play. It's a brutal business and overall Ad has done good. I hope he does very well on the third one he just a huge talent.
I will have his back and be their to support him until I can't any more. This is kind of in answer to another post tried writing on that never posted it.
We have to worry about supporting Ad their will always be the lol's of the world they mean nothing and will only make Adam try harder if any thing at all. Just gonna Back him all I can and ignore the NN. Sorry this is OT but just had to say it. Adam means so much to me.

Anonymous said...

I remember this interview and watching it, mesmerized by Adam, his charm, intellectual capacity, the way he can articulate his thoughts so quickly even when he's under the gun, and certainly not to forget his clever sense of humor.

I'm sure these women , when all was said and done, came away with new respect for Adam.

Thank you so much for posting this clip. I've re watched it many times.


Anonymous said...

Adam needs to be on late night shows with demographics for what younger people watch, not the daytime shows moms watch.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Moms are people too!

Anonymous said...

Also, mom's have and will continue to spend lots of money on Adam's records; charities and everything else. Including attending his concerts. Adam knows and that is all that matters.

All these age comments are ridculous. Everybody works these days and have DVR'S; young people too. Lots of young people seem to watch day and night shows.

Unless you can bring stats; everything else is just speculation.

Adam needs morning, noon and night shows; so he does not miss anyone; bring him own everything; no discrimination is necessary. He belongs to the masses.

Anonymous said...

@2:17 PM here:

Corrections: should be spelled (ridiculous) second paragraph.

Last paragraph should be bring it (on). Thanks

glitzylady said...

Just posting this on a couple of different threads, hoping people will see it :)) Another very hopeful indication that we'll be seeing Adam next year with Queen...and a shout out to Canada too...

Roger Taylor talks new solo album and upcoming Queen songs


"Q. What is the prospect of a Queen tour in 2014 given you recently played with Adam Lambert at the I Heart Radio Festival in Las Vegas and six dates before that previously?

A. It was a one-off but it went really fantastically well. He's really come on even more. He's a real dark force now. And he's very theatrical. And he really interprets our songs just brilliantly. And he has that incredible instrument, that voice and I feel he's going away from the pop thing which is good I think. And he's becoming a serious player. He's got a voice which is pretty unbeatable. I do think we will be working with Adam next year, yeah.

Q. Will you come to Canada?

A. We certainly wouldn't leave Canada out."

Anonymous said...

glitzylady @2:26 PM

Good, good, good to hear. Lucky Canada. They just seem to love Adam; and probably offer him some wise advise. Thanks for bringing that here. Good words about Adam and his activities are never out of place on an Adam fan site in my opinion. Beats the negative ones. So excited!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of the way Adam handled this interview on The View.
He even won over Elisabeth H! I think by the time Adam's interview was over, he had them all eating out of his hand. There are some people just born with the gift of charm and charisma. That is Adam Lambert. If you don't like Adam there's something wrong with you.
I'm not even talking about Adam's talent, brains, and looks. He has it all!...........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Love his hair, wish he would wear it like that again. Chance it on and off. Being able to wear it up and down. Isn't he adorable.

Anonymous said...

2:17, but pop radio stations want that younger demographic who also has plenty of money. We all know Adam needs to grow that younger segment of his fan base.

It's not just the time of day of the show but the content. Kimmel is going to bring a very different demographic than The View. Do you seriously need me to copy/paste the demographics for different shows for you?

Anonymous said...

We're not dopes, of course he needs a variety of ages in his audience and a youth following too. Kimmel, etc. wouldbe great, please arrange it! However it is naive to assume that if he jettisoned his older fans the young ones would flock to him in enormous numbers. Face it, if they wanted to be there they would be there.
Adam's talent may just appeal to an older demographic.

Pop radio stations don't exactly choose superior singers to push at the public. The content of their
playlist is mediocre most of the time. You can't make people prefer Adam to Bruno or Jay Z or (gag) Robin Thicke.

Go copy/paste elsewhere. We get it, we just don't have the power to change it, if you have a miracle solution handy please share it.

Anonymous said...

8:38, condescending much? Nobody said jettison the current fans. The comment was to focus on the shows that the desired demog graphic watches. If you have been paying any attention to the Gleeks you would hear that many were unaware of Adam and thanks to the exposure to this different demographic, they are new fans. This is the point of reaching a different demo.

Radio probably doesn't care how good the artist is, they just want to make money. But if they see money in playing Adam as much as Bruno or Jay Z, they will. Pop/top 40 radio lives for that younger demo.

I agree, a different and younger demo needs to be reached through different shows than the daytime mom shows. So there is my miracle solution, as good as anybody else's here since none of us are experts.

Anonymous said...

New poster here... It is simply fact that AML needs very much to grab the 14ish to 28ish audience; it's all good, just another hurdle among what will be many, for most Singers in their careers... Adam can handle it.

I thought Adam was brillian in this The View interview, always did. It was a win/win appearance.

OT: Let's not lump Bruno Mars in with the many mediocre acts getting radio play on Top 40 nowadays, Mars is an exceptionally talented man, a very special artist on the current scene... to undermine that only makes one look uninformed and Adam-centric in a bad way.