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Gorgeous Eyes

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 7, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

yes gorgeous all right.

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful eyes in the whole world!

Anonymous said...

Speechless... *****sigh*****

Anonymous said...

The 'dressed up' eyes are beautiful, but the naked eyes look pretty darn good to me too.
The first time he appeared on Idol with the 'eyes' in full power mode....I thought.......
'Elizabeth Taylor's son!".....JAK

Anonymous said...

Those killer eyes;)omg!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not really to my liking.
I love those eyes with no or not much make-up.
His eyes are gorgeous as they are.

Anonymous said...

I like the eyes pic 4th down on the lefthand side i.e. without eye makeup.

tess4ADAM said...

I LOVE them all! After all ... they are all ADAM LAMBERT's eyes .. made up or not ... so therefore I LOVE them ALL!! Gorgeous .. Mesmerizing .. Tantalizing .. ADAM LAMBERT *EYES*!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)