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Happy New Year Glamzania

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Anonymous said...

A Happy New year to Eber too.

Anonymous said...

Who's Glamzania?

Anonymous said...

We are, of course. Happy New Year, Eber!

Anonymous said...

I just love DadBert. He's so cool !!

Anonymous said...

Eber is very real. Happy New Year back at you!

Anonymous said...

@3:29 PM Really? :) That's new to me. So I'm a Glambert, Glamhopper and Glamzania. It all makes me feel adorable. ^_^ lol

Happy New Year back at ya, Eber!

Anonymous said...

I think it's the place we all live - Glamzania...sorta like Tanzania where is found the precious purple/blue gem that flashes red - Tanzanite.

I'm impressed with Eber's sense of humor and use of words. He also has to be a reader of the poet Robert Frost whose last lines of one of his famous poems is: The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep. And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.

Thanks milestogeaux and Happy New Year to you as well.

Anonymous said...

Neil Sedaka should have had Annette Funichello sing this song and it would have been a big hit. It's of my era, but have no idea who Jo-Ann Campbell is or was. I wonder if he (Neil Sedaka) still gets residuals when it's played. Also wonder if it's in Eber's collection of 45's on vinyl.

Anonymous said...

I was leaning on Glamzonian.

Anonymous said...

just maybe the glamhoppers hop around Glamzania 24/7.

Anonymous said...

JAK's in my collection....though I didn't buy it for this side...the flip side has a song called Duane!

Now you're hitting where it hurts Eber.....1957-58!

Jo Ann Campbell was a Florida teenager who wrote and recorded in late 50's and in 60's . She wrote Duane about my favorite rock-a-billy guitarist of the time Duane Eddy!

I gave my 45 records (including the earliest Elvis) to my youngest daughter....she's a collector.

I just dashed, sort of, into hotel to grab a sweater, it's chilly on beach...a cold front coming in, down to 50-60 degrees in a couple days.....we're starting the year out right.
Smooching in the sand at OUR beach in the
50' there's a swanky hotel right where our favorite sand dune was! How Dare they!

Happy NYE to you all....

daydreamin said...

Happy New Year to you Eber, JAK and everyone on 24/7! Here's hoping for a wild/crazy/excellent 2014!

Anonymous said...

@3:29PM Seriously? Did you just ask "Who's Glamzania?" I think you are new in Adam's Nirvana. And the perfect name for this country is Glamznia! Eber, you are genius! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

@5:40 PM Calm down, no need to get upset at anyone.

Anonymous said...

5:40 -- Yes, please cool it! There are millions of Adam fans reading up blogs pertaining to him. Some like you are probably long time readers, but others may be new fans. We WANT new people loving Adam like we all do.

Anonymous said...

Love Eber Lambert. Adam has the best folks! Happy New Year to them, to Adam and to anyone lurking on this blog.

Anonymous said...

The zania part sure fits.

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertVids: NYE SHOW! Adam Lambert at Winstar

Live stream

Twitter list


Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST: I'm broadcasting OOL!!! #equality live on #Ustream. Come watch and chat! 9:06 PM

Anonymous said...

@kinkykiedis: Haha yes you and me both Adam! Take note you guys who are ALWAYS telling him what to do. js (live at

Anonymous said...

7:28, what did Adam say?

Anonymous said...

@7:54 PM Sez he doesn't like people telling him what to do. Like if he sees a sign that sez do not enter, he wants to go in.

Anonymous said...

He said he didn't like being told what to do. (Who does?)

Anonymous said...

I always want Adam to be Adam. What ever fashions this Hot Man wears, music he sings are dances he does be Adam. He always sounds and looks great. Last few vids I saw of last concert Adam is just getting better and better as a musician and a performer. He always been great but he getting greater and greater with time. Like a fine wine that ages and becomes just perfect!
Happy New Years To all Glamberts! Sue

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year all from Glamzania!

Eber you are the best! Thank you Eber and Leila for being such great parents to your wonderful offspring Adam and Neil! Love them both!


Anonymous said...

I think Glamzania describes the state of euphoria we live in, ethereral and intangible. You can't see it or touch it, it's hovering between Earth and the heavens.

Anonymous said...

Glamorized by the incredible A.F.L.