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Hot Adam Cartoon!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 5, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 05, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Avant-garde, sexy and original. Something Adam might like and even draw himself.


Anonymous said...

Very cool!


Anonymous said...

Adam looks just right at this point in his life. He been working out everything is toned. But, to look like this and he could is a full time job.
Making new music and touring and other projects would never allow him the time to look like this.
I know it's just a cartoon a a great one. It just not in character for Adam. He looks better now than he ever has just perfect slim, toned, happy, hot and yes gorgeous. I would not change a thing this is just a bit to much.
But just a great cartoon but leave my Adam the way he is perfect. Sue

Anonymous said...

Scanner dust? That can't be good to get on your skin.

Anonymous said...

This is very clever...comic book art! Adam the Gloved Avenger!..................JAK
"save me".................

Anonymous said...

The face doesn't look like Adam's face at all.

Anonymous said...

Clearly (too) influenced by Tom of Finland's art and style