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HQ pictures of Adam Lambert leaving Katsuya restaurant with friends in Hollywood (December 12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

It's worth it to go to Adam Pictures to see the pics of Adam leaving the restaurant. He looks great.

Anonymous said...

that barely looks like Adam in the car unless he is wearing white colored grills. lol

Anonymous said...

I want to go home with Adam or have him go home with me!

daydreamin said...

Did anyone else notice Adam's right arm in these pics as well as the pics from a couple of days ago when he was wearing the leather pants (when the GB was being talked about). He seems to either have hurt his arm or maybe hiding something under his jacket???? Maybe a pole dancing injury.... Anywho, thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Glad that Adam got out with friends after that World of Wonder horror.

Anonymous said...

@11:44 World of Horror!

Anonymous said...

And the judging goes on.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin, It appears to me that he was holding his cell phone face down as though he wanted to make sure that photos weren't taken to reveal private info, and to inconspicuously hide it in his hand. So to me it's not the GB that was being protective or hidden, but the mobile.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin, on second thought, looking at recents pictures, you maybe on to I'm curious.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin/11:28 AM

You have quite a vivid imagination there! Maybe an arm position is just an innocent arm position!

Anonymous said...

Adam darling, every step you take, every move you make; we'll be watching you!

Anonymous said...

@11:10 AM

I know the feeling.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin . . . . love a mystery

Anonymous said...

Living under a microscope; the price of being a celebrity!

Anonymous said...

Adam really looks great in these pictures; so handsome. Looks as those he is enjoying himself, being out with friends.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam model of the year in my world!!!:):):)
w the X factor!!! Alpha Male!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam had for dinner. He looks so slim, healthy, and beautiful! I hope it was something delicious!..........nancdruuu2

daydreamin said...

Anon 2:18 could be but it just looks oddly positioned in both sets of pics.

Anonymous said...

Hi Daydreamin. I see what you mean...hope it's not an injury, but maybe he'd need an in-home nurse (tee hee)! The man is looking all kinds of gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

OT but Daydreamin I have a question for you....I remember seeing a really great vid you posted of Alice's Summerthing where Adam performed Kickin In. It seems like it was up for a short while, then gone. Any chance you could repost it? I really loved it. Thanks! !

Anonymous said...

Soo Handsome!