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INTERVIEW - Adam Lambert on why he lent his voice at TrevorLIVE

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 9, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

I'm assuming he was talking about Jane Lynch at the end.

Anonymous said...

Prejudice and discrimination of any kind is so hurtful. I am getting to a point of more and more awarness about LGBT. I was watching Shahs of Sunset on Bravo and one of the characters in this show is Gay. He said for more than 20 years he faked his life or he had suicidal thoughts because everyone around him weren't open minded about his sexuality and he didn't have role model to look up to. As he was saying all these with tears in his eyes, Adam's song Underneath was playing in my mind with teary eyes. Tomorrow night on Bravo they will show him talking to therapist helping him to heal these old wounds.

Anonymous said...

Thank God we have the Trevor project and people like Adam speaking out to help our youth.
Adam has already helped people all over the world to heal.
