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Kathy Griffin runs into friend Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful pictures; all the ladies love Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

I bet she's teasing him; she loves playing around with Adam; she always makes him laugh.

Anonymous said...

Kathy is one of the comedians that I really like; have been watching her for years; and the fact that she really likes Adam makes me admire her more. She is really funny in a sarcastic kind of way. Pretty funny though; in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what Kathy is saying to Adam in that picture of them!


Anonymous said...

I could not get live. Stream in here. Went to reset the phone try get it in and it was gone. I guess that was the red carpet. Not feeling well fell asleep came here it was gone. Before I could get it in.
Hope we still get vids.
Adam looks great. Would love seen red carpet see what everyone wearing least saw gorgeous Adam.
Guess you have not seen him perform yet hope we can see that. Sue

Anonymous said...

I was late to the stream but was on time to see Adam which is all that matters. Also was on time to see Kathy and Chris. Amber Riley was the last to be interviewed. Made my night. Wish I could see Paula introduce Adam and watch him sing WWFM.

Anonymous said...

Kathy is one of the few people in Hollywood who knew when to call a halt to plastic surgery. She looks prettier and younger but still looks like a real person not an eerie
tightened replica.