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Kurt and Starchild Should Be Together?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 5, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 05, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No, no. Elliot and Leah should be a couple.

Anonymous said...

I don't think so! Just because Adam is gay doesn't mean that his character has to be also. Let's see how far RM decides to take the role of Elliot with Adam.

Anonymous said...

No they shouldn't. I agree with 8:04. We don't have to break up Blaine and Kurt's engagement. And really...Adam is playing a character. He can stretch. :)
Looking forward to his episodes. Always exciting with him.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone so far. Please no!

Anonymous said...

Mmm...I sense something is a-brewing in Elliot's apartment; oooh the lights are still on deep in the night. lol! So is it going to be Kurtchild with some remnants of Starchild or less crooked, Leachild. lol! Yes I'd like to see Adam act some steamy creamy scenes oooh-la-la. And wake up some people who have a stereotyped concept that Adam is not an actor, and just a singer. Sometimes, when I see Adam sing, I feel he's also acting! Goodness, he's been acting since the age of 10. Perhaps I'll agree, not a seasoned screen actor, nonetheless still a very good actor. Watch him sing, he's acting as well, that's what I see. If he doesn't fit the mould of a character or script in mind, that does not equate to Adam not being an actor and just a singer. All he needs is a plump little role to shine forth his acting skills; he'll probably win a grand juicy award one of these days. But whatever, Adam is having a whale of a time. lwl!


Anonymous said...

This is exciting. It makes people debating and taking more interest in Adam's role in glee. I like this and I can't wait to find out.

Anonymous said...

No way! For once i dont want anything on his relationships but his voice!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my-you sure have gotten my naughty thoughts rippin' with that "steamy, creamy" description late in the night in Elliot's apartment. Too bad it will just be Adam in bed with his PUPPET! (Just joking-I hope it is with Lea with some hawt Marry The Night thrusts thrown in for good measure). I just love the mental imagery you project for the life of that apartment! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Hey Margarita Lady...still floating in the Adam ethereal! Elliot's apartment is a very enticing prop...A* for Glee lol! Adam in bed with my favourite green puppet...not bad too; then Elliot puppet can tell us more secrets, like Elliot is torn between Kurt and Lea! Whoa, that makes the story twirl even crazier than the chandelier. lol! Mmm I see you like the less crooked, which equates to more straight version. I'm ready for both versions. Hey, in your projected scenario, Elliot and Lea might sing their duet on the apartment balcony under the full moonlight...ooh now it reminisces Romeo and Juliet. lol! Adam can tackle that, no problem; he did it as Fiyero, if I recall right. lol!


Anonymous said...

Ewww! Kurt is YUCK!!! I really hope they don't make Adam put his lips on that troll!!

Hk fan said...

I don't think they should ship these too together...for the simple reason they don't look right together. Adam is mature, super handsome, extremely sexy, comfortable in his skin (he's also this way as Starchild/Eliott.....kurt looks like a little boy next to him, young, immature,and although he seems nice is not very attractive.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Some people are not nice.

Anonymous said...

Elliot and Kurt have good chemistry (either as friends or more) in the screen so far. I like kurt, he can act.

Anonymous said...

i think a lot of peeps here, have some sexual tension you need to bring out ( dont care how), but PLEASE stop making adam fulfill your ridiculous'am lammy and company. * poker face*.
I dont think ryan murphy is that gullible to fix a relationship between elliot and kurt, it will destroy any credibility Glee has, remember, demi lovato's character is a lesbian? (where is she anyways)
To all the anonymous sitting behind your computers, saying kurt is ugly, post your pictures and lets see the handsome/ beautiful faces.

Anonymous said...

NO!!! Not a good fit AT ALL! Get more creative writers! Come ON!,,
I would like it if Adams character inspired him creatively,.

Anonymous said...


i think your emoji should be runs away, instead of poker face! Hahahahaha
your comment is a valid and sensible one.
But no fear, i don't see any adam and chris ; on screen romance happening, its weak and so predictable

Anonymous said...

Adam and Lea .... that would be cool. It would be good for Adam to stretch his acting ability.

Anonymous said...

To be or not to be
Says Ryan Murphy
As gay as can be on Glee
Or straight as an arrow
Less complication to furrow
More intrigue...Mmm we'll see
For me, Glee is a flurry of a story
Whichever the wind blows
Get on with the show
No bones to pick on that
As long as Adam waves the flag
It's the singer not the song
I'll just paddle along
So Ryan Murphy, you have
An eager beaver who is easy to please
Elliot coupled with Kurt or Lea
In the same breath, it's acceptable to me lwl!


Anonymous said...

I say,please,NO,also.BB has said before that he didn't want to play a gay character when he first starting acting.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my-perfectly said in your poem! And can we all say AMEN! We need to see Adam receive a good script and pull off some awesome acting while he has this chance on Glee. Puppet, boy or girl-let that acting flag unfurl. Lea lost her love in the show, so who but to step in and fill those cleats, Elliot "Starchild". Of course, Kurt would secretly be attracted to Elliot and there you have it- the sexual tension which will loop in a good number of Glee's audience and which will also create a little intrigue for a sinking ship. Adam could possibly pull off some terrific scenes for all the teeny boppers and the Glamberts will just simply sit back and bask in his success. It is Ryan Murphy's call and let us hope that he rightly plays the deck of cards which he has been handed by Adam. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

I don't think Elliot and Kurt thing is happening, There will be something juicy there..sexual tension,jealosy something! I wish starchild would be out there, wan't Adam to be kinda bad boy ;) that would be so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Kurt and Elliot should be paired together; not a good fit at all. Kurt is very cute and seems like a litte brother to Elliot. I think that pairing would find a lot of resentment for Adam's character from Kurt and Blaine's fans.

Elliot should become a very good friend to Lea; someone she can discuss her feelings with for awhile. He shouldl be a shoulder to cry on.

Let the fans of Glee fall in love with his character; and just let him sing his head off alone; and with the other ones; one by one. Maybe Santana can have a secret crush on him and become confused.

Maybe he could just be romance free for awhile. I just hope he stays on Glee as a character that comes in and out; as hhis hopefully real life will be so busy in 2014 with his album, Queen mini tour; etc.

Love him; just want whatever makes him happy. But please give this man some meaty rolls in whatever projects he is in; and I hope there are many. I will be there for each and every one.

Anonymous said...


I just want Elliot to singgggggggggggggg!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Margarita Lady
That Elliot becomes a kind of confidante to Lea, like you suggested, is quite a good story-line. In reality, both Adam and Lea have gone through a rough patch in their own love relationship. So that's pretty convincing actually. Now the big question really is, will Elliot eventually emerge as gay or straight because that's pivotal to how Glee pans out from this point. That is the trump-card Glee is not giving away without a fiery bang! resulting in Glee and Glambert fans jabbing one another to the floor with the fire and gnashing of teeth. lol! Frankly, after Adam came aboard Glee, there seems more suspense in the melodrama. So unwittingly, Adam was the missing link all along. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lets say elliot is bi,he likes lea but lea cant accept him coz
Cory memory still strong meanwhile,kurt fall for elliot coz he more mature than blaine but elliot treat kurt as a good friend..hehehe.Excited to see what kind of appartment elliot lives.maybe simple furniture like BTIKM MV.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Ryan Murphy should come and take a peek here; our Glee is so twisted and salivating. lol! They might mirror Elliot's apartment to Adam's real apartment, like sofa, paintings, chandelier, wardrobe and trophies. lol!


Anonymous said...

Anyway love to see if elliot sexuality as ambiguous.His character so far is charming and smart.Hopefully in the future epi will hv some serious acting between elliot and NYC cast and screen time is equal to HS.

Anonymous said...

It is fun speculating; we shall see what the writers come up with; and what Ryan will approve. Hope it is something great for the beautiful man; Adam M. Lambert. Such a great guy. We all love and respect as his fans.

Anonymous said...

3:07 AM

Hope so!

Anonymous said...

Love the way Adam is mum; and the other cast members tweet about his Glee activities. This probably bodes well with Ryan.

Anonymous said...

To me; Adam has brought so much excitement to Glee. He just always does this to no matter what he gets engaged in. This man is just excitement personified. He walks in the shadows of greatness and is coming out of the shadows everytime he opens that beautiful mouth and sings.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Adam play a really dramatic role - something he could really get his teeth stuck into (figuratively speaking). I feel he would be a terrific dramatic actor but I guess you've got to crawl before you can walk, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam, Adam and more Adam; Enough said!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Adam as Elliot could confide in Kurt that he recently left a bad romance. Elliot thinking that Kurt is just giving him advice is unaware that Kurt is actually falling for
Elliot. While we never have to see Elliot's former flame, it would be fun to watch Kurt act out on his jealousy of Elliot's former love.
This. of course, would cause conflict with Kurt and his loyalty
to his fiance, Blaine. This would be a lot of fun with Elliot at the helm of the make-believe tryst. Just a


Anonymous said...

People, please be kind to other performers and their devoted fans. We hate it when we see Adam dissed and insulted on other fan websites. WHY are we doing that here? Can't you just say you don't want them to pair up without being rude to Chris Colfer?
I started reading Chris fan boards to check out the spoilers and found out those folks LOVE Adam.Don't drive the new fans away!!

Anonymous said...

5:26, you are right, anything asides adam is ripped off here.
A lot of fans here should try script writing for Glee, a lot of nonsense written here will certainly bring great ratings.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:26 . . .
Just remember the Golden Rule!

Anonymous said...

No no and no......did I say no.!

Anonymous said...

Exactly 5 reasons: No,No,,No,No, and No!!!!
Kurt is too young for Adam, as well. Really creepy!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Glee should not make Kurt and Elliott a couple. I think it would alienate Glee fans who love Kurt and Blaine together. I'm all for a little sexual tension, however. But it should not end up with a romannce between Elliott and Kurt. It will be interesting to see if Lea and Elliott have an "attraction." I'l love to see Adam be able to play a straight character and have a chance to actually show he can act. I'm just so glad that the long-time Glee fans seem to really love Adam. I keep hoping that there will be more than just the three planned episodes. He breathes life into everything he does.


Anonymous said...

I read that Adam's part in Glee is ending. Episode 10 is called Trio. Adam and Demi moving on. Still going to enjoy 'til then.

Anonymous said...

it seems like Demi has moved on already.

Anonymous said...

Some of you seem to be confusing actors with characters. The characters are Kurt and Elliott. They are both college students so there is no age difference.

Gleeks gave been very welcoming to Adam. It is a shame Adam's fans haven't been as nice. Please don't post your rude comments about the show or the actors. I've been on their fan sites so I'm sure they are coming here as well.

Anonymous said...

it's a shame we can't help what trolls write on here. The troll that lives here deff needs removed by admin ages ago.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam at least gets in 6 episodes it would be so much fun.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam at least gets in 6 episodes it would be so much fun.

Anonymous said...

I just have not seen anything on here that is rude to other members of Glee. Glamberts seem to be very respectful of others. I for one think they are a great group. Love them and the interaction with Adam.

I think that Glamberts are in high praise of Adam. They also praise other actors on Glee. I have visited other sites also; and most of them, just like Glamberts, are praising their star and speculating just the same. They don't seem to be mean spirited either; just expressing their opinions.

Anonymous said...

I did see one or two trolls at the beginning; but not the majority of real Adam fans. With the trolls; they won't listen anyway. Every fan site has a troll or two. But, other fans understand this.

Anonymous said...

Kurt and Starchild or any other storyline is fine with me. I hope Adam gets to be in many episodes. Adam needs to be sensible with his own music career and get rid of the ridiculous stage gay Adommy. No one cares about it anymore.

Anonymous said...

8:32 AM, so you don't think the comments up thread calling Kurt a troll, eww yuck, etc is rude? And there have been plenty of comments here previously about what a stupid show Glee is, only watching the Adam parts, Adam outshines everybody on the show etc. All rude to the other actors, Glee fans and unnecessary.

glitzylady said...

I'm just excited that Adam is on Glee ie on my TV :)) and that he is doing such a fabulous job on the show, that he is getting the opportunity to gain a new level of recognition for his mega talent and gain new fans. It will be interesting to see if there is ANY type of "relationship" innuendo during Adam's time on the show.

Now, a word about @Anon 9:01 AM's comment above:

I definitely agree with your first two sentences: "Kurt and Starchild or any other storyline is fine with me. I hope Adam gets to be in many episodes."

Amen to that!!!! I'm actually hoping he is invited back for the 20213-2014 season which from all indications will focus almost exclusively on the NYC storyline. Having Adam on Glee next season as well would be perfect.. It has already been announced that next year will be the final year of Glee as it stands now, so it wouldn't be a long term commitment for Adam and he could indeed focus on his own new music which is reportedly coming out in 2014. YES!!!!!!

Now about the other two sentences: "Adam needs to be sensible with his own music career and get rid of the ridiculous stage gay Adommy. No one cares about it anymore."

That (Adommy/Stage Gay) was over a long time ago. Why your need to bring it up here on this thread? Let it go. It is only still a "thing" in fan fiction... Tommy is Adam's guitar player. Period. I haven't seen any overtly suggestive actions on stage during concerts between those two in a very long time.....Adam had his reasons for incorporating "The Kiss" during his Glam Nation Tour. He's moved on. Stop blaming Tommy. And let Adam evolve his stage show in his own way. Many things have changed over the past few years. That's one of them.

Sorry, I really just get so tired of the wank re Tommy. I'm solely here "for Adam.." yadda yadda yadda.. but I think we need to respect Tommy as well.

Anonymous said...

This Wetpaint writer is determined to put Kurt and Elliot together. Well, I say a big fat No! Put Adam with Lea or Santana, but leave Kurt and Blaine alone. That pairing will only create hate from the majority of Glee fans! Besides, as others have stated Elliott and Kurt don't match at all.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said... students aren't necessarily close in age...
.....JAK : )

Anonymous said...

a Lea Michele and Adam Lambert kiss would be hot. make it happen Glee:)

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady @9:26, Tommy likes to annoy people and he primarily serves his own fans, who also happen to be adommy fans. Compared to Adam's casual fans, they are a small but a very determined minority. They are used to get their way. I think my comment @9:01 re Tommy is justified.

Anonymous said...

Tall Tree, the Glee fans are darlings compared to A/T shippers in this fandom, imo.

Adamluv said...

If they just have to name Elliotts orientation, I hope it is straight. Regardless if it is or isnt, please no relationship with Kurt. Big mistake IMO since there are a lot of Kurt/Blaine fans out there and IMO again, their relationship would not be realistic (Adam/Kurt). Of course a lot of stuff that happens on this show (and many others) isnt too believable so maybe not a good reason for objecting. LOL. Bottom line - no no no!!!! . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

I'm voting no to Elliott/Kurt too. And so true, Glee tends to be pretty out there so anything is possible..even the impossible :))

Anonymous said...

You know, I think you are just afraid that if the Kurt/Starchild ship happens, the Adam/Tommy shippers will attack the Glee fans big time and embarrass us all, am I right?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:20 PM
Well, it's clear that Tommy annoys YOU :)) Not his fault tho (IMO) that his Adommy fans are a little **deluded** in their own little ways.

I've followed this whole Adam thing since day one on Idol, and I don't blame Adam (although to be fair, he started it with the kiss, right??...) and Tommy went along with it because he works for Adam and he didn't think it was a big deal one way or the other. I don't either. It was part of the show during Fever for awhile for GNT. It's over except for those people who wish to believe there is more to it.. and pretend there is.

Both Adam and Tommy have spoken out about it more than once. Pretty sure they just think it's silly. So I think they just chose to ignore it. Except when things get really mean toward Adam's other relationships & friends. Because acknowledging it constantly just brings more attention to it. And I SERIOUSLY doubt there will be more onstage Adommy in the future. New era, new stagecraft.....

No hard feelings about this discussion. Peace.. :))

Anonymous said...


Like someone said some of you seem to be confusing actors with characters... Lol.

Adam/Chris - real persons, actors

And you're worried about Kurt/Blaine fans' reactions... Can I ask one thing?
If there truly are fans of Kurt/Blaine relationship, i.e. acceptance of a gay relationship on nationwide TV, why is it so hard for US to accept Adam Lambert as the wonderful talented singer/entertainer/actor and YES gay man that he is?!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, yes Adam started the kissing. Maybe it wasn't Tommy's idea, but Tommy has told he had said to Adam he could do anything to him on stage, so there is a possibility they talked what they were going to do on stage at the Ama's. And yes, Tommy annoys me, A LOT. When Adam was in a relationship (with my fellow countryman) and his fans hated it, Tommy behaved like a victim to fuel the hate. I then learned that Tommy is small minded and jealous.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:54 PM
Ahh.. Now I'm beginning to see the full picture here :)) Here's what I've seen happen over time, at least from my fairly neutral point of view: (I'm only continuing this conversation because I feel it helps me to better understand why you feel the way you do....)..

When Sauli came into the picture, into Adam's life, at the end of 2010, something that I thought was so special for Adam and for Sauli, there was jealousy on the part of those fans who felt Adam and Tommy belonged together (and pictured them in "that way" in their imaginations, to the point that it turned into an "alternate reality" of sorts.. (ie Fan fiction come to life..). .

And of course there was all kinds of grumbling, dissing of Sauli, blaming Adam for being "disloyal" to Tommy, all that baloney from a small percentage of Tommy fans.. Most I think knew there is no Adommy love relationship in real life.. . Because as far as we know (and we fans certainly know only what Adam, or Sauli, or Tommy share with us, which is their right to their own private lives..), there was nothing more than "Stage Adommy".

And some fans of Sauli (who I absolutely think is a wonderful guy and admire him so much for all that he has accomplished in HIS life..) weren't so nice to Tommy either. It ended up being a lot of rather imaginative, elaborate drama, by a small percentage of the fans of both, if we are being fair here.

I ADORE Adam obviously, I like Tommy well enough, have met him briefly a few times over the years.., and I also think Sauli is a cutie pie, and although i've never spoken with him directly, I've come face to face with him a couple of times over the years that he and Adam were a couple, and said hi to each other in passing. He's a sweetheart. I can see why Adam fell in love with him. And vice versa :)

As I recall, Tommy and Sauli are good friends. They are all friends, the last I heard. I seriously doubt that any of those three men wish their fans, any of them, to continue the drama. But human nature being what it is, it happens.

You have the right to your perspective certainly. And I hope over time things smooth out and the drama of the "fan wars" stops..

Thanks for explaining why you feel the way you do. I appreciate it...

Peace :)

Anonymous said...

Let it go already. Leave Tommy be. And your fellow countryman, too! You're way too invested in something that has nothing to do with your life or with you as an Adam fan (if you are an Adam fan?) Get real. Everything you are so bitter about is based on twitter gossiping, rumours etc. So utterly childish and boring.

Anonymous said...

@3:42 I'm not scared of you.

Anonymous said...

@3:42 Besides, I didn't defend my fellow countryman. I meant Adam's relationship brought out new sides of Tommy, which I did not like.

Anonymous said...

I do understand you 2:54.