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Last Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Do we really need a new post for every new pic and pic already posted earlier?

Anonymous said...

Another handsome night out for Adam! Holiday parties are the best! HO HO HO!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

love Adam's shirt.

Anonymous said...

Adam was a sought after star last night; everyone wanted pictures. He was so gracious. He is always so accomodating to fans. What a great guy Adam is. Looking extra handsome last night; if that is even possible.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful pictures.

At first look, I thought the girl in the first picture was Demi Lavato. Does anyone else think she kind of favors her when Demi has the dark hair?

Anonymous said...

Yes, 12:57pm, the pretty girl in the first picture does look like Demi.

I just got a chance to go back thru the pages of pictures and videos from this WOWie event. Boy, Adam is ssoooo handsome!

I didn't state that quite strongly enough in my first post.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so nice last night in his dark suit, but got blasted by Billboard for the suit he wore to the Trevor Project. Named the worst dressed celebrity of the week. Well we sort of expected it, we were surprised at his choice of suit, and many remarks made, although some blamed it on the camera, and thought it might look better in person. Wonder if he will wear it again, if he likes it. Might bring it out in next Halloween, LOL

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam would be blasted for that suit he wore to the Trevor Project event. You either liked it or hated middle ground there. But Adam will wear exactly what he wants and he's been criticized before for other outfits, so he probably just laughs it off and moves on, looking so handsome in the pics shown here from last night. At least it keeps his name out there even if it's about what he is wearing.

Anonymous said...

Have a feeling that it is a suit you just wear once, hope he didn't pay too much for it. It could possibly be dyed, if it was all one color, it would look fine.

Anonymous said...

If you have the body, and Adam does, then you will look good in any outrageous outfit. I like the printed suit and the leapard shirt because its not boring in men wears.

HK fan said...

Billboard may not have liked it, but several fashion blogs including TomandLorenzo who aren't usually that complimentary to Adam,and this one below, though it was possibly the best thing he has ever worn...

Anonymous said...

Yea HK 5:24pm, thanks for printing that!

I liked the suit and I'm sure it was quite expensive - at least it looked it.

Adam is larger than life. He needs clothes that match the man. Why not stand out and wear something unique and interesting and beautiful?! I love doing that and friends enjoy it. Good fashion fun.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I liked the suit too. He can wear it in many different ways. Only the pants with nice grey classy tshirt with his grey plat form shoes from Singapore. If the weather is nippy add a grey leather jacket. He can wear his jacket only with nice pair of grey leather pants and light burgundy shirt, open buttons in the front, and a different nice looking leather grey shoes. He can add nice accessories to look like a million dollar star. Again loved the suit.

Anonymous said...

@ xo laura....I'm with you!.....I love unique and interesting.
Since my mother was a dressmaker all my clothes were different from anyone else's....I loved it! I designed, she whipped it up in no time. She had a giant factory sewing machine and the walls shook when she revved it up. I was so lucky.......

Fashion should be fun, if you are willing to be bold and wear what you want you have to be willing to take the compliments or the bad reviews in stride. I doubt Adam ever gives a thought to what others will think....if it makes him happy....he wears it!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Adam's TrevorLIVE suit - I just watched Fashion Police. They were discussing TrevorLIVE clothes. They liked Fergie's yellow dress. They hated Paula's red dress. They didn't even mention Adam. I think that's a good thing. At least they didn't hate his suit - and you can't find anyone more critical than Fashion Police.

Anonymous said...

Watched fashion police well half of it then went back and watched the rest. Trevor project was the Hot Ticket had NR on Paula A and Fergie not a slam in site of Adam.. Real mean about Paula, mixed and crazy statements about NR, mixed stuff about Fergie nothing about any of the men at all from Trevor projects so I guess they did not think it was as bad as some fans did.
I saw that suit on OMG insider he looked amazing in it Billboards can't see. Funny how several articles said he looked the best he ever looked and some choose to showcase what billboard said. Thanks HK fan for pointing out a few that loved what he wore. I heard fans that have got on different articles and were not so nice themselves. Fashion police did slam Steven Tyler outfit and he was just walking his little dogs.
If Adam wears something very matching and classy he boring to some people if he wears something Edgy and different that sets him apart but still looks nice don't like that either. So he should just dress for himself what he cares to wear and still look nice you sure cant please them all why bother to try.
I was gone most of the day just caught a bit of that Wow thing this morning probably missed stuff on that he looked really great loved the shirt and tie with the jacket. But got to say the purple Edgy Suit from Sunday night still stands out as my very favorite of a long time great choice Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

I love the shirt & jacket part of the suit Adam wore to the Trevor Project Live but the pants made the suit look way over the top imho. Plain colored pants would've made the outfit look fabulous.