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Lea Michele: "Me and Adam Lambert have a really exciting story line coming up on GLEE"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013

"You guys have no idea," Lea Michele told MTV News, sharing that she recently filmed a scene with guest star Adam Lambert that featured the twosome dueting on an "awesome" song. "It's so exciting. [Ryan Murphy] calls me every day and gives me all the scoop."

Luckily, Michele spilled some of that scoop, dishing out what fans will see when the Fox series returns from hiatus on February 25.

"I know that me and Adam have a really exciting story line coming up. [Lambert's] Elliott and [my character] Rachel become really good friends," she said. "And there's a big Santana and Rachel shocker coming out in February."



Anonymous said...

Well, "hell's bells", this is too exciting. The good news just keeps on coming for our man; I can hardly contain myself.

This is really happening. Queen news; now this. Just happy, happy, happy!

Also, can he look any more beautiful on all those pictures from last night. Damn, for lack of a better word; Adam is just the most beautiful hunk of a man that I have ever seen, and he just seems to keep getting better. How is that possible?

Anonymous said...

Tell us more, Lea!

Anonymous said...

Today is full of good news. Don't listen to the negative people commenting on the other thread

Anonymous said...

Lea seems to thrilled to be performing with Adam. She has always said that she really wanted to. Her dream is finally coming true. I bet Adam is thrilled too. I bet their collabration will be epic!

Anonymous said...

Finally, can't wait.

Anonymous said...

So it seems he recorded six episodes. Two got broadcasted and four more coming on feb./mar. Of next year. And Queenbert happening next year. Plus his album then touring. GREAT!

Anonymous said...

WHAT Queen news? Must backtrack on threads and fingers are crossed...JAK

Anonymous said...

Lea is so sweet and seems so fond of Adam. I heard that they have known each other for a long time; and she has always wanted to sing with him.

Anonymous said...

@JAK, yes, Queen and Adam; 2014!

Anonymous said...

Lets just Hope they become really really really good friends.
Yes !!
Adam and Rachel, ratings would soar higher than high.

Anonymous said...

There are only four episodes that we know of. Two broadcast and the two coming that lea mentioned.

Anonymous said...

well this certainly got my curiosity up.

Anonymous said...

Anymore good news, then I'm going to blast off into space! I'm thrilled that Adam and Lea will have a story line together. I hope that their exciting story line is a love story. Just saw the puppet video, Adorable, I would like to see more shows with the puppets. Adam and Elliott, the puppet, are so precious. Elliott's Diva attitude is a riot. The "windmill" move. ha ha

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Now THIS is news worth crowing about! A real storyline that keeps going for Adam and involves one of the main stars. It looks like four episodes now, but maybe they'll make more if the plotline really takes off. How could they just eliminate our Starchild?? You know what Adam says: "Once I'm in, I own your heart." Lea sounds very excited. Who wouldn't. And yes, JAK. Brian may tweeted that they're looking at some Queenbert concers for 2014. So, yes, there is LOTS to be excited about!


Anonymous said...

JAK here......this is turning out to be a great day! Happy news about Adam ... Yay for a Glee...yay for Queen.

Yay for my g'son ( I may have mentioned him a few times)
Go may groan in unison! ....................
He called at dawn to tell me his 10 year dream has come true....he will be working full time in his beloved theme park beginning January 1st. Finally a toe in the door to the creative department! Now his waist high stack of plans for terror inducing coasters, new rides and other marvels may be in the works.

Good news for both of 'my boys' .......Yay for Adam....
Yay for Jamie!

Anonymous said...

Awww, JAK, that is fantastic news about Jamie! He has got a magical life ahead of him!

And love all of this great news about Adam in 2014! It's going to be a riot to witness ... GO ADAM! You have our love and support behind you always!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this, as soon as one beautiful thing happen; up comes another one. Hope it never stops. I as a fan will continue to do everything I can to help.

Anonymous said...

I guess there will be riff between santana n racheal due to funny girl racheal move out and stay with elliot.meanwhile elliot and racheal become buddy,kurt feels unhappy with their friendship.nemesis come along.

Anonymous said...

There's something so compelling about Adam's role in Glee, and that's the fact that his role as strong, assertive Starchild blends seamlessly with the equally powerful Adam Lambert His first appearance with Glee caught this side, when Elliot's face reacted ever so fleetingly at Kurt's snark about his OTT outfit. Elliot continued on to school Kurt in kind, but in no uncertain terms, his error in prejudging him for being overdressed for the audition. We know Adam has been through this path before; he was called out for wearing painted nails during a rehearsal. This scene gives him a chance to show how to "rewrite(s) the role (he) plays", and to assert oneself when victimized by discrimination.
In many respects, Glee is another of Adam's many full circle moments, his revisit of Glee a more impactful event for its chance to hold up to society a mirror to itself, much more so than if he became part of it the first time.

Anonymous said...

I've been off. This site almost the whole day and seems like I missed a lot! That's how it is being an Adam fan. Always something exciting coming around the corner.Ahhhh, the waiting for these special moments is so hard. Patience us a virtue they say.

I truly hope the Queenbert news will happen and ghetto hong will get in it's way. Brian seems so busy touring with KerryEllis and Roger just launched his new album.

I'm hoping for a signed label for Adam and moving forward with new music production (and a music video or two).

The Glee episodes are icing on the cake right now. I'm sooo happy for Adam:)))


Anonymous said...

*Patience is a virtue"

*and nothing will get in it's way"



Anonymous said...

On a previous thread someone said we are all being taught history that has been rewritten. Too bad Lea and most posters and bloggers and tweeters never learned the English language. 'Me went to the store. Me and her are going to work together. Me and him in a pic.' Good Lord. What happened to He and I, She and I? If you always put the other person first the rest falls in line...unless you're a complete dolt.