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LOVE is LOVE in India (Tweeted by India Radio Station)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 12, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

very nice tweet.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see a station in India supporting equal rights. Love is love.

Anonymous said...

Good for India Radio Station. They've been having controversy lately. Australia just voted to deny gay marriages.

Anonymous said...

Very nice to see this from India. surprised about Australia ,I always thought it was a pretty liberal country.

Anonymous said...

Many ages ago in India gay men were treasured as a special creation, a perfect spiritual mix of the male and female energy. I am So glad to see this today, with Adam's picture and quote used as a guidepost. Adam's influence is being felt in many parts of the world for ALL the reasons we love him, but mainly for his HUGH heart that gives life to THAT VOICE!

His looks don't hurt, either. :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

This is especially important in light of India's Supreme Court's recent ruling to reinstate a law banning gay sex. It is punishable by a fine and up to 10 years in jail.

Anonymous said...

Australia is a liberal country. The issue is still way and truly on the table.

Anonymous said...

wow! such a nice tweet<3<3,nice to hear adam lambert is promoted in my country:))) I am veryyyyyyyy happy that this radio station is doing great in spreading equality:)