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Michael Orland Coming To Tonight's Show

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Say "HEY!" to Adam for me.

Anonymous said...

Ad was the one and only to complement this talented man after he performed for helping him with his performance. He never forgotten Adam for it. Sure there are many other reasons he really admires Adam.
So glad he will be at the Trevor project tonight.
Adam has been involved with this project for years. This is just another reason to be proud of Adam the list is long. Sue

Anonymous said...

This man is very talented and did his job well assisting all the idols. I hope he is on again this year.

Anonymous said...

I really like and admire Michael Orland. Mainly for his love and respect for Adam. I think he really wanted Adam to be a Judge on Idol. Although that did not happen; things worked out very well for Adam. In my opinion, he is probably right where he is supposed to be. Great things on the way for our man in 2014; don't you feel it?

Anonymous said...

Yes I feel it and have for awhile! Sue

Anonymous said...

enjoy the event tonight Michael!!

Anonymous said...

Love and respect Michael for supporting Adam and seeing his great talent when he was on AI!.nancdruuu2