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MORE PICTURES of Adam Lambert at Bootsy Bellows in West Hollywood

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

very nice pictures I have been enjoying them all.

Anonymous said...

very nice pictures I have been enjoying them all.

Anonymous said...

The cut of the leather pants are so low and the inseam so high, that is what makes the GB look bigger. Wouldn't think he could breath, no wonder he can sing so high. LOL Of course he is aware of it and probably has his pants made to order.

Anonymous said...

7:37 I don't think Adam breathes through his package.

Anonymous said...

Adam is loaded! :-D

Anonymous said...

7:37 let's face it.....he'd have had to had all his pants made to order cuz his GB is always as apparent. :)

Anonymous said...

Hair, hair beautiful hair on the side please... Love you anyways . . always changing it up

Anonymous said...

Oh those pants