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More Tweets From Shoshanna Stone About Adam Lambert in 2014 and Glee

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 12, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to everything coming up this year!

Anonymous said...

Best news that his is only a guest role on Glee (like Gwyneth Paltrow and others who have guest starred as well for a few episodes). Adam Lambert is a singer first and foremost who has an incredible voice and stage presence. So looking forward to what 2014 holds for him.

Anonymous said...

If you are interested in Adam's fashion, two stories here:

Anonymous said...

I would like to hear about just one solid thing that Adam is into next year besides guest on Glee.

Anonymous said...

11:29, having trouble waiting to see what it is?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I also would like to know about one thing that Adam has planned for next year. For me, it would be about the third album and a new record label. I suppose once a formal deal is signed, then we will hear that news. In the meantime, patience must be the virtue that I should practice.

Anonymous said...

He already told you new music a new album is coming 2014. Sounds rather solid to me .

Anonymous said...

So probably his limited amount of episodes on Glee as a guest role is mainly because Adam doesn't have time for more ( if I understand Shosh's tweet correctly).

Adam is keeping his lips sealed about future projects but he sounded pretty confident that he would have a new label & then it follows he'll have a new record ("in theory") next year. Here's hoping for a wild 2014 ride!


Anonymous said...

Here's one thing for sure next year. Adam will perform at the Family Equality Council Dinner on 2-8-2014.

Anonymous said...

"That is vague, but it does give fans an idea of what is next for Tina. As for Adam Lambert, it is not known how many episodes of the Fox series he will appear in. At this time, he has filmed through episode 5x10 titled "Trio." According to Spoilers Guide, the singer said the number of episodes Elliot will appear in is not up to him. That is a decision for Ryan Murphy and the staff behind the series."