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New Miami Picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam's new family.

Anonymous said...

@MichaelOrland: There will be no days off for me. And I love it. But THIS sunday - come support an amazing organization Trevor...

Adam will be there. Support it Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

They look like a family anyone would be proud of....JAK

Anonymous said...

That's the girl from Make A Wish.

Anonymous said...

The Trevor Project Celebrates 2013 & The Future With TrevorLIVE! -

via @theBacklot / including @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous family photo with our handsome guy. :-)

Anonymous said...

@ALAlwayz: GLAMBERTS VOTE FOR @adamlambert at the Hungarian Award, Music Daily Awards NOW!
Also, please share t


via @GlambertHU

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The above post, the link - there's your Italian lesson for today, :)))) Such a nice story by a nice girl meeting the nicest of men, sigh!
(there's also a translation in 'somewhat broken English', no offense to anyone, maybe by google...)

Anonymous said...

Such a nice "family" picture. Make A Wish is a fine organization. My neighbor had a son with cystic fibrosis. He loved skateboarding, and MAW arranged for him to meet and spend some time with Tony Hawk. It was a dream come ttue for that boy. He did die of CF, but MAW provided him with some joy.

I think Adam is performing at the Trevor event, right??? Hope so. Love hearing from Michael Orland. He's a real Adam fan. Hope we get some vids of the event.

Can't open xadam's link to her story.


Anonymous said...

Oops, silly me. Just read the Trevor Project link. Adam is performing. YAY! Lots of great people at this event. Kathy Griffin is very funny. She'll be a good host. Can't wait to see some vids.


Anonymous said...

@DRG here the link to the story of the Italian girl who met Adam:

It's in Italian. You can use Google Translator to read it in English.

Anonymous said...

I had trouble opening the link as well but found the story posted at Adamtopia.... I also knew someone who was helped by the Make-A-Wish foundation.... He was the son of a man that made deliveries to the hospital.... His dream was to meet Dale Earnhardt Jr..... He often came with his father to make deliveries but he was always very quiet .....after his meeting with Dale Jr. he ask me if I knew who Dale Jr. was ..., I said sure he's my favorite driver....after that we were fast friends....he always had a little something to tell me about Junior.... I don't know what happened to him...the hospital changed delivery companies and I never saw him again .... But I think about him every time I watch a nascar race.... It was amazing to see the changes in him after he met his hero.... I'm so happy this young girl was able to meet Adam.... And so proud of Adam that he took the time to do it.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

@. 3:50 AM.....JAK here....I can understand about half the words in each sentence, which gives me an idea of what's being said. I do pretty well reading languages and making myself understood, since I can memorize easily.

What's hard is understanding the language when spoken by the people of each country. So I've learned how to say "please speak French, German, Spanish and Italian"....also Merci...Danke...Gracias and Grazie!
Nice manners are appreciated everywhere!...... : ))

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous family photo to cherish forever.