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New (Old) Picture of Neil Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 5, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

LOL I don't think Neil was happy about being photographed.

Anonymous said...

The photographer's 'target' was Neon Tree, the band sitting behind Neil & Co. An indie band from Utah. Neil photobombed the pic, says the caption.
Funny thing, one of the band members is Chris Allen... At first made me lift an eye brow, but then remembered that the Idol guy was Kris...

Anonymous said...


xo laura

Anonymous said...

Neil loves to make fake frowny faces.

Anonymous said...

or he thought get that camera away from me not knowing you where not taking his picture.

Anonymous said...

2:52, maybe Neil didn't know Neon Trees was the Adam fan's target since there have been so many fans taking pics of Adam's family at events. Doesn't look like Neil photobombed to me at all. Looks like the person wanted Neil and his girlfriend and Leila in the pic.

glitzylady said...

I know Lila and I know the story behind it. She was taking the pic of Neon Trees and she didn't even notice or recognize the fact that Neil was in the picture until much later. She shared this picture because she was amused at herself for not noticing earlier. She had cropped him out originally and came across the original recently and was laughing at herself for not noticing him before now. I'm suspecting Neil was indeed thinking she was taking his picture and was giving her "the look".. Just too funny!

The reason Lila Hayes and her good friend Carol Hagey were at the New Now Next Awards in 2012 is because their website/blog was nominated for "Superfan Site" and they were invited guests. They administer "Adam Lambert.Org" also known as "Adam Lambert Unofficial Official" which has been supporting Adam since the beginning. They were honored and excited to be there. And I was VERY excited for them.. We get together with Carol and Lila when we are in Southern CA (they live in San Diego...)..

Adam Lambert Unofficial Official was the site that I first went to during Idol to learn more about Adam, to keep up with the latest news about him, and as a consequence, made several very close and lasting friendships with like-minded Adam fans. These are the people I travel out of town with to concerts, chat with via email pretty much every day, and love as sisters. I came to Adam Lambert 24/7 a little bit later, early in 2010.

Just wanted to share that little bit of background. :)) and the story behind the picture...and why she shared it on twitter now..

Anonymous said...

I think it's amazing that so many friendships have sprung up.... All from a common interest in Adam. Very nice! JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam is aware of all these positive things happening among his fans, and all because of him.
Thanks @glitzylady for the background story.