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New Pics!! Adam after Rock of Ages show in Las Vegas

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam is looking great.

Anonymous said...

Third pic looks like pirate Adam.

Anonymous said...

@VeroniqueORCEL: awwww
Adam had liked this on IG

Anonymous said...

Wendy and her little brothers with Peter Pan tying Captain Adam Hook up maybe?.

Anonymous said...

Larger picture of Adam at Venitian:

Anonymous said...

@keith_caulfield: Big residency shows in Las Vegas don't allow photos/video. Garth, Cher, Cirque, etc. I assume same policy will be in place for Britney.

Anonymous said...

@TALCvids: [around 1:03] TY! RT @KiwiBertling: ET shows Adam Lambert as 1 of the big stars of Idol

Anonymous said...

@KumulusKloud: @adamlambert! !!! RT @ENews: Which act would you love to see next year? #2014ConcertWish

Tweet @ENews that you would love to see Adam Lambert's concert next year. Don't forget to use #2014ConcertWish

Anonymous said...

@bani_: jacobdharen:
#tbt to 2000 when I was Michael in Peter Pan with @adamlambert as Captain Hook…

Anonymous said...

@terra_zephead: hahah the singer said she was scared when she found out she was gonna sing an Adam Lambert song

Anonymous said...

@jacobdharen: #tbt to 2000 when I was Michael in Peter Pan with adamlambert as Captain Hook. Got to see him today…

leilani aloha said...

WoW! so excited, maybe we'll bump in to Adam tomorrow in Vegas:) staying at Planet Hollywood Towers, so u'll never know:):):)

Anonymous said...

Thank you @11:43 PM
It's more clear and makes everyone look better.

HK fan said...

Another lovely pic from LV.

Anonymous said...

evolution of Adam's look. not as interesting as before. off the rails of glam

Anonymous said...

I like Adam's look now. Glam, glitter was then. His more mature, stylish, sophisticated appearance seems to suit him at this point of his life. Adam is like a chameleon, ever changing, ever evolving and keeps us interested to see what is next. I guess he is in Vegas for Britney's show tonight. It will be interesting to read the critics' reviews of her show since I read somewhere that she is lip synching most of her songs.

Anonymous said...

@Admin or @somebody on line

I have a soft spot for Terrance. Saw a group pic from Vegas where Terrance is holding on to Adam's leg... looking so precious... Please post it here (can't do it myself, at work & crappy phone). Thank you!

Anonymous said...

@6:10 AM. while you may like his look....It is clearly not interesting as before.
His show is in a few days at Winstar and clearly people aren't interested in seeing a man in a suit and perfect hair. It is frustrating that in a few short yrs Adam has changed this much. He is young. He can pull off any look but this current image is for the style magazine not the stage . Good thing his voice can carry the day or night.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam in a suit, jeans, cut offs...anyway he wants.....and yes the voice is awesome

Anonymous said...

@6:38 AM so you're saying Adam should look like he's on stage performing 24/7?
Nobody, including Adam, can please any of the people all the time. Neither can you. You're not pleasing me with your negativity on an Adam blog.

HK fan said...

The link to the pic you want is the one I posted at 5.22am,

Anonymous said...

Adam wears all kinds of stage clothing, suits, jeans, t-shirts, vests. No one can say that he's always looking like a GQ model. The Winstar show is not close to many many fans in the U.S. People don't ususally travel far on NYEve. The other acts booked there did not sell out either. In fact, I heard Adam's sales are higher than the others. Considering the venue and the fact that it's a NYE show in a remote area for many, I think the sales are fine. Adam has tons of fans who DO want to see him, regardless of how he's dressed.

Love all these great pix and links. Thank you, all!


Anonymous said...

@6:38 I am not here to please you,but merely to express an opinion to which I am entitled wether is be an Adam blog or anything else.
I am SURE my opinion is shared by others on this Adam blog.

Anonymous said...

he is playing in SIN city.

Anonymous said...

he is playing in SIN city.

Anonymous said...

@7:15 AM It's ok to factor respect and common decency into your comments. Useless criticism is just that, take your constructive criticism to Adam himself. Throwing it into the wind does nothing good.

Anonymous said...

@7:15 with this I agree.

Anonymous said...

@HKfan, thank you, thank you!
Can't check the link yet, nice to have something to look forward to when I get home! :)

Anonymous said...

The truth is that Adam loves to change things up and never keep it the same. For his stage performances he goes glam but for off stage look he loves to wear glam clothes. I love Adam any which way. It's the person I love the most.

Anonymous said...

12:58 wow I hope you see Adam in LV, let us know if you do and every detail.

Anonymous said...

12:58 wow I hope you see Adam in LV, let us know if you do and every detail.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam any way he looks on any day. He's gorgeous to me all the time (although gotta say he looked extraordinarily handsome in that tux he wore in Shanghai recently!)

His voice, charm, kindness, intelligence, quick wit and amazing talent are what keeps me coming back here daily to keep up with all the news, pics, links and whatever little tidbits there are about our beloved Adam for almost 5 years now! I hope 2014 will be hugely successful for him.


Anonymous said...

To 6:38AM- If as you stated that Adam's voice can carry the day or night, then it should not matter what he wears. I am sure he will wear something special for New Year's Eve...maybe some of the glitz and glitter that so many like. He knows how to dress for the occasion.

HK fan said...

another lovely pic with Terrance for you

Anonymous said...

6:38 because it was oh so long ago that he wore jeans or a leather vest or leather pants or showed lots of chest, etc. Roll eyes at your poor attempt to troll.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:38
your opinion, but it came out in a ridiculous manner, you said 'people'...did you take a poll? Or carried out an extensive research, speak for yourself.
I do love adam's mature look, i think he is evolving maturely, my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:38
your opinion, but it came out in a ridiculous manner, you said 'people'...did you take a poll? Or carried out an extensive research, speak for yourself.
I do love adam's mature look, i think he is evolving maturely, my opinion.