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NEW PICTURES: Adam Lambert and friends at the Wowie Awards TONIGHT 12/12/2013

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 12, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow; out jogging today; now out for the evening looking like a Greek God. Adam sure cleans up nicely. Such a beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

Adam you sure to give your fans something to talk about! so exciting to follow.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous; slim, trim and gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

What the hey, are the WOWIE awards?

daydreamin said...

He snuck this one in on us.

Anonymous said...

Lovin the animal print shirt & leather tie. Kind of like a subtle way of saying I may be dressed up proper in a suit, but I'm an animal just waiting to be uncaged. ;)

daydreamin said...

"All year long we’ve been nominating our favorite blogs, Tumblrs, Instagrammers, celebrity tweeters, and YouTubers for a coveted WOWie Award. Now that we’ve done the nominations, it’s time for YOU to vote. Next month, we’re having a huuuuuuuuge ceremony where we announce the winners, and it’s going to be fabulous! Easily the most prestigious award show ever."

Click HERE for more

Anonymous said...

Were we supposed to be voting for this, never heard about it. He looks a bit different than he did this morning , with Sauli. If Sauli is back with him I think Sauli will not want to make anything public with Adam yet. He has so many jealous haters. Maybe there are two Adams, they really are twins. Today is a good example of what they each do in any given day.

Anonymous said...

Head to toe pic.:

At WOWIE Award

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous, slim and fit (this morning and tonight).

Anonymous said...

Sauli's luggage was lost when he arrived at LAX, all his good clothes and suits were in that luggage. So he probably had nothing to wear for an occasion like this, or he would have been there to support Adam.
WTG Adam, does this mean he is nominated, or did he win something. Sounded like we are supposed to be voting for him.

Anonymous said...

10:35 PM
Sauli could've hired clothes to wear to this occasion with Adam if, as you and others keep promoting, they're an item again.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the red carpet and interview videos. It's so exciting to follow Adam.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Adam looks mighty fine in this suit, shirt & tie .... very elegant indeed.

Anonymous said...

I have an animal print shirt like Adam's ........ #goodtaste.

Anonymous said...

Lug gaged gets lost all the time. Airlines trace them and find them in couple of days and deliver them to the address on your luggage.

daydreamin said...

Video of Adam at the Wowie's:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

So are we supposed to be voting or is that part over?

daydreamin said...

The voting is over.

Anonymous said...

Did we let Adam down on the voting? Hope not.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are friends. Not joined from hip to hip friends, just good friends. And you can support your friend in so many ways. Please let it flow the way they want it. :)))

Anonymous said...

My goodness, can we just enjoy our star Adam; since this subject is about him right now; no one else. Please fans of others, give it a rest and honor the title of this subject; it is about Adam Lambert only. STOP SPECULATING ABOUT THIS MAN'S PRIVATE LIFE, on every damn post; give it a much needed rest. Not fair to Adam.

Adam looks so darn handsome and happy here. Life is looking pretty good for this most wonderful and gracious man. He seems to be a sought after guest. Who doesn't want to be surrounded by beauty and grace!

Anonymous said...

6:14 AM
Adam is not totally Adam. He would be very lonely if everything was about him. He has people around him. He needs people around him to be able to create and love. It's important that his private life is happy as it looks. Then it is easier to live and work and so on.

There are lots of threads where you may express your honor to this gorgeous man. Sometimes we people just ramble around. It is human.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks fantastic, of course, but I'm confused, too. Apparently we were totally unaware of this whole thing. Is it an LGBT-related award? Hard to tell. Did Adam win something? Was he nominiated? Oh well. It was great to see him anyway. Sure wish we could hear the interview. Maybe the audio will show up somewhere. Thanks for the links!


Anonymous said...

6:14am I think Adam knows that fan sites are just that,fan sites, and places to speculate about everything Adam. Even all Glee- and new music-info here is more or less rumours and speculation to be seen for ourselves next year. And we choose to be upbeat and hopeful for everything for we are fans, it´s our job. I hope Adam to be happy in his private life too.:)))

Anonymous said...

6:14, I am with you. I am so done with the speculation and interpretation of photos and commenting on Adam's personal life. It's gone to far and has been brought into every thread so it can't be skipped. It's ugly and rude comments and Adam's private life is none of our business. If a tabloid was doing this the people here would be up in arms but they can't stop themselves from doing it.

I wish they would give Adam some privacy. If Adam wants us to know something he will tell us.