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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who @grayjoey is?

Anonymous said...

9:29 PM
I watched his IG and he seems to be(at least has been) a male model (has been working in Paris if I'm right) and makes lot of lip sync selfies/vids to IG. Adam started following his IG after this occasion.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he is ready to take him home. A little red eyes

Anonymous said...

@11:37 PM
I thought exactly the same. The body language speaks too. And this guy is single, seems to be funny and nice (IG-vids) and what I read about his IG he would like to have someone to wake up with. He looks gorgeous but IMO looked even better when he had shorter hair.

And now I start shipping them,haha.

Anonymous said...

I may be wrong but it looks as though Adam likes this guy. :)

Anonymous said...

The jumping to conclusions from photos is never going to stop, is it. Grumble.

Anonymous said...

This guy is funny if you go his. IG. And dare I say has a sexy mouth and beautiful teeth. Who knows maybe the next flavor of the month lol!!!

Anonymous said...

3:34 AM
Just a little speculation .... no biggie. :)

Anonymous said...

Cute, funny, witty. Just Adam's type!

Anonymous said...

@6:41 AM
I agree! But at the same time I wonder why he has to have a certain "type" because these "types" seem to be only short term -partners.

I know, it's not my business. And on the other hand, every person is an individual. Cute, funny and witty guys are different. He surely finds some day (if he has not found yet; this one is a cutie pie) a guy who is perfect, outside and inside. Then everything will match. That guy will be the one he maybe even wants to marry some day; he said this option is good to have.

Don't throw stones on me, please. Too much time to think on a lazy Saturday.

Anonymous said...

They are so close to each other,"cheek to cheek" that it warms my heart.

Anonymous said...

If he's the flavor of the month ....yum yum.., .I 'd order a double ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Why is it assumed Adam is with every guy he is photographed with? SMH.