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One year ago today Adam Lambert killed it hosting & performing at VH1 Divas

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam killed hosting VH1 Divas and he killed it with these promos. SO GOOD.
That was a great night for Adam.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Loved that show; it was great exposure for Adam too. I thought his comedy skits with Nene Leakes, and expecially Paula Abdul was so hilarious. All of this kind of exposure is great folr Adam. He looked so handsome that night; as usual.

Adam did a darn good job as one of he hosts. I hope he gets some more opportunities along these lines.

Anonymous said...

A splendid time was had by all!

Anonymous said...

When is the next DIVAS show? They should ask Adam to host again. He was superb.

Anonymous said...

That's cute. ^_^

daydreamin said...

Adam was a natural hosting Diva's. I too especially loved the moment with Neane Leakes and Paula. His commercial hitting the high note was fantabulous as well.

One year a go yesterday he performed at Jingle Ball in that fierce black and gold leather jacket with the leather pants that needed baby powder inside!