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"Red House" - Performed by Adam Lambert on New Years Eve - Winstar - Recorded by Scorpiobert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Anonymous said...


The Dark Side said...

What can one say when Adam takes on the classic bluesy Red House and slays it!

Anonymous said...

The video above sounds better to me.

Magiclady said...

Oh, and I love his outfit, the shirt looks amazing. sexy boy

Anonymous said...

Wau!!! Just wau!

Anonymous said...

setlist anybody?!

Anonymous said...

Forget Britney with the lights, the dancers, the acrobatics and skimpy costumes while she probably lip synchs. Give me Adam hoopla, no backup singers or dancers needed, no fancy sets or fireworks...just that magnificent voice, that gorgeous face and a mesmerizing stage presence. That's all I need and from what I have seen and heard so far, Adam was amazing on that Winstar stage. What a way to end 2013 and to bring in the new year. Hope 2014 is the best yet for Adam both personally and professionally.