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Screencap of Queen Blog (About the Concerts in 2014)

Filed Under () by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

There should be one in Russia before and after winter Olympic. Dubai, so. America, no. America, so. Africa, Asia. Australia, Europe.

Anonymous said...

So happy,wherever they perform in the U.S. I will be there! Adam with Queen is magical!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for Adam, Queen and all the people who get to attend their concerts. Rock the World, Queen and Adam!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the set will be slightly different from previous mini tour.i really want to hear adam tackle " take my breath away " and " innuendo "

Anonymous said...

Happy morning to hear great news about Queen and Adam concerts in 2014!!! Yeah, U.S. maybe LA?

Anonymous said...

Glee spoilers

Anonymous said...

I'd rather see Adam by himself performing his own music then see him with Queen.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well Adam can work on his new music while he performs with Queen. You know he can multi-task. I'm just thrilled to hear it confirmed by Brian that they will perform again. If in the US, I will be there!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:42
You take what you can get, Queen is a top ranking band worldwide.
I would like to see some of Adam's new music too, hopefully that will come. This will put Adam on the map again, he is mostly only famous on the internet, no new music, no TV shows where he sings. A lot of LGBT gigs. These are nice, but not getting him out there. The one show in Vegas with Queen brought a huge response as did his MTN on Glee. But as I said he is mostly only famous on the internet with his fans.

Anonymous said...

9:52, Huh? "no TV shows where he sings"????? "only famous on the internet?"???????Myopic much...

Anonymous said...

9:52, what? Queen isn't a top ranking band world wide. Their own fans are mixed on them still performing. They will attract an older crowd who remember Queen, not the young fans Adam needs.

Queen did not put Adam on the map before and this time won't either.

As for the comment Adam is only famous on the internet with his fans, that's just crazy.

And there is nothing wrong with LGBT related gigs.

Anonymous said...

@9:42 AM

Don't worry; we'll get that too, eventually. But, "I Want It All; and I Want It Now". Oh my Dear God; I am thrilled; can't wait.

Of course we all want more Adam all the time. I will take anything and everything that comes my way. Thank you universe for bringing this man to our lives!

Anonymous said...

@9:52 AM

You have got to be kidding; do you live in a cave? I guess I am not following the same Adam Lambert that you are. Perhaps you need to do a little research!

Anonymous said...

All fans, young or "old" are people that make up Adam's fan base; all are welcome. Adam Lambert does not discriminate.

Adam being with Queen will bring him many new fans; just like any other exposure that he has. This is absolutely wonderful for Queen and Adam and for their multitude of fans; and all the new ones that they will probably pick up along the way.

Have faith people; a change is gonna come. 2014; can't wait.

This is another happy Adam day. Our sweet Prince deserves it all!

Anonymous said...

I'd much prefer to see Adam out promoting his own music, if his touring with Queen his next album may not be ready until 2015. He needs current music for radio play and Queen is anything but current. I can't help feeling his previous tour with Queen got in the way of his promotional tour as TP was released at the same time, it was doing well before he joined Queen, when he got back home to the US it seemed to lose some momentum.

Anonymous said...

Everyone said the same last year when Adam toured with Queen, how it would bring him more exposure and finally the world will recognise his talent. I'm sick of hearing the same old stuff, the only thing that will bring Adam true recognition is Adam's own music and that's what he really needs to be concentrating on.

Anonymous said...

Adam with Queen may be something we enjoy as well as Adam, Brian and Roger do, but do not delude yourself into thinking it will bring very many new fans. It didn't with the European tour or iHeart and it won't this time either. I really hope it doesn't take time away from his own new music coming out.

Anonymous said...

OK, tell me what I have missed. Where is the new album, I missed that. What tv shows did Adam do
singing his new music. I never said there was anything wrong with LGBT gigs, but that doesn't put him out there as a super star, or actually help his career.It helps LGBT for awareness, but what does it do for Adam. He is a decent guy, who will help all people who are hurting and don't feel worthy.
Show me some mainstream shows Adam was in 2013. Oh did he sing once on AI. You have to get real, and get out of your cave. Turn off your computer or any other device you have and you won't find Adam in many places. I am not putting him down, I am putting down his promoters, whom haven't worked for their money and done anything that will help him. The best thing he did in 2013, was a small 4 week concert. There again only his fans knew about it, and went. He would never have got the Vegas gig, if Queen had not invited him, and a whole lot of knew and younger people heard him, and were amazed.It is thanks to Queen he
they were offered some new gigs, that we are hearing about now. Tell me all the new things he did in 2013, that were mainstream, including albums.

Anonymous said...

Dont you worry so much, he knows what he is doing. Just enjoy!

Anonymous said...

*Reality Check*
Got news for all you Adam bubblers: He's either been forgotten or has never been heard of by most of the outside world. WAKE UP. And get off the realists' back. Not everyone was blessed with the simple mind to live in a fantasy world. Some of us have to deal with reality.

Anonymous said...

Holy F . . . I am so ready for the Doctor and Adam

Anonymous said...

The reality is that Adam has one of the best voices around and everyone he works with knows it and he is an international star . . wishing he could be a bigger star . . but happy he has what he has now . . . hoping for more but will enjoy the present

Anonymous said...

10:25, I disagree, the LGBT events do promote Adam's career as well as help the charity/cause. Adam absolutely picks up new fans there.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:33 AM
Hi hon. Might I suggest that you get on your broom, and fly on back to The Land Of Oz. And while you're at it, take your flying monkeys with you. Before I unleash mine on you. Thank you... Because I think that is where your "reality" is headquartered. Heading back to my Adam Lambert bubble now........

Sorry people :))) Couldn't resist. Too much BS for me to ignore, after hearing that fabulous news.

Anonymous said...

The only way I see a Queen and Adam tour working is via a world tour, plus some new arrangements to make their sound more fresh and up to date. If they tour in Europe and London again I don't see it being any different to last time.

Anonymous said...

Queen and Adam in USA full concert will be great promotion. It will show case his incredible talent and different performance style to people who does not know Adam yet. Great news overall.

glitzylady said...

Adam supports the LBGT events and causes because they are important to him and he uses his name and celebrity status to help out, both in spreading the word and raising money. He's a good man. And another of the many reasons I adore and support HIM. No complaints from me. The rest will come in time...

Anonymous said...

10:25, Trespassing just came out in May of 2012. How fast do you think most singers or bands release albums??

Big shows Adam did since the album came out (with most of them singing his own songs):
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Good Morning America
American Idol
Graham Norton Show
Summer Sonic
Voice of China
Pretty Little Liars
MAMA Awards
VH1 Divas
Chinese Music Awards
Chinese talk show
Chinese Idol
American Idol

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, how do you know 10:33 AM comes from Oz? I don't agree with their comments entirely but I happen to be from Oz myself, and smart ass remarks like yours say a lot about you. Adam has a large number of fans here in this country and they would find your comments offensive to say the least. If you genuinely care about Adam then have the decency not to stoop to the same level just because you happen to disagree with a certain comment, I don't think they were putting Adam down at all but just feeling a little frustrated wanting the best for him. Scroll on by rather than reacting immaturely, and stop telling fans to move off, Adam has said everyone is welcome hear and he can't afford to lose fans, your comments imply that Australians don't care what happens to Adam, you speak out of ignorance.

tess4ADAM said...

So happy to hear such great news re: ADAM & QUEEN ..... so damn tired of the naysayers .... so what's wrong with the Glambert "happy bubble'? I'd rather be there than in the "reality check" area ... there's enough of that & then some in the world. We all need to live, love, laugh & be happy for ourselves & ADAM who so deserves it & more!! Maybe I'm a 'pollyanna' & maybe I live in a fantasy world but it sure does feel great to get up in the morning .. look into the mirror & thank GOD that I'm still here. Peace, Love 'n Light ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info that adam has accomplished this year. The negative people here need to learn how to be positive, you will be more happier in your life.

Anonymous said...

11:13, I am more on the realistic side myself but I have no problem with the "happy Adam bubble" people as long as they don't come back whining and crying later that something didn't happen. Sadly that is more the reality. We hear a rumor and everybody gets all giddy and is thinks it will rocket Adam to stardom and then it doesn't happen or there is a result less than instantaneous stardom and all the ridiculous complaining and blaming starts.

I'm all for happy bubble as long as you don't bring the whining and complaining bubble when your happy bubble thing doesn't happen.

tess4ADAM said...

@11:10 AM ... may I answer for @glitzylady? I'm afraid you misinterpreted her comment "the Land of Oz" as meaning Australia. I truly believe she meant the Land of Oz in the movie "The Wizard of Oz" thus her reference to the 'flying monkeys' ... I don't think she meant anything against the country of Australia ... I certainly didn't take it that way. JMO ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

11:10, I think you missed glitzylady's reference to the witch from Wizard of Oz, but you are right about her attitude in general. I just scroll by.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - @10:53 AM

You tell em lady; I almost busted a gut; laughing so hard a your post; agree with you one hunderd percent.

I also think it is one jealous Debbie Downer; and no fan or fans of Adam's; may also be a Negative Nick. Whatever, just predicting gloom and doom.

Adam is doing just fine; so many wonderful things opening up for him. Adam is a worldwide entertainer and fast becoming a star of other media outlets.

Adam could sale out a football Statium and it would not be good enough for those that are determined to see Adam fail. Nothing will ever be good enough. I will take Adam any way or any where I can get him. He should be so proud, as real fans are. 2014 will be another really big year.

Hey, glitzylady do not go into your bubble, not now; Adam needs you more than ever! Peace.

Anonymous said...

11:10 you are kidding of course. The land of oz refers to a place in The Wizard of Oz. It has nothing to do with Australia and you know that you big trouble maker.

Anonymous said...

I can tell the "real" Adam fans rushed right here today. lol

Anonymous said...

11:34 ha.ha sort of like trolls gone wild on here today.

Anonymous said...

@11:10 AM

Oh come on, get real. You know that glitzylady did not mean that literally; she was speaking of the fictious meaning of the wizard of Oz. Please. You are probably one of the people coming down so hard on Adam. She is speaking her mind just like you are. So stop trying to act like she is speaking of a real land where people live.

You have the nerve to try to reprimand a true and longtime fan of Adam's; some nerve you have.

The very fact that you see nothing wrong with the mean spiritness of some of the negative posts regarding all the good news about Adam; tells me exactly where you are coming from.

For the record; I don't know her; but I admire and respect glitzylady. She is an honest and true fan of Adams; so watch your mouth!

Anonymous said...

11:06 AM
Thanks for the info and reminding me of all these wonderful performances of Adam's. He also came to Australia for the Take 40 lounge show and to Melbourne for further promotion. So what's gone wrong? Inspite of all his hard work his music still gets no radio play. I still hear WWFM sometimes but that's all, I've never heard his TP music on radio, yet that for me musically is more superior to his first album. I really hope album no. 3 does well for him and hope he manages to get it up and running as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

Why is it OK for glitzylady to bully somebody? What they said wasn't that bad.

Anonymous said...

@11:26 AM

In my opinion; 11:10 is wrong about glitzylady in general and every other way. She is a very positive person. If you can't deal with the truth; then perhaps you should stroll on by; and take the other negatives with you.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady/at 10:53

Ha, ha ha; oh my God, so funny and so true. I can't stop laughing. I have to go to work now. But, leaving with a smile on my face. Keep up the good fan work. You are a true Adam fan.

Have a good day/evening.

Anonymous said...

11:22 AM
I'm also a realist, I enjoy listening to Adam's music and come to this site to catch up news of Adam. At the same time I don't live and breath for Adam as some fans do, not that I have anything against those who wish to follow Adam in that way, but I do object strongly to the rudeness and aggressive remarks from fans who are so obsessed. I'd hate to see myself get that far out of touch, as much as I enjoy Adam thank god I'm not delusional about him.

Anonymous said...

@11:45 AM

What they said was disrespectful towards Adam; I assume that is why she responded as she did. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. But, if you dish it out; you have to be able to take it.

This is an Adam fan site. Real fans are very protective; that's what fans are for. He is a grown man; he and his Management can take care of the business part of things. Fans are here for support!

Anonymous said...

@11:22 AM

I don't know if you are the one agreeing with yourself above or not; but now you are saying only fans that are delusional believe in and have faith in Adam's future. It seems to really hurt some of you, or one or two; that fans love and support Adam.

I know that you are trying hard to persuade them differently; not going to work. All the name calling in the world is not going shake adams true fans from him. The rude and aggressive remarks seem to be coming from those that want to see Adam fail. Not his loyal fans. I hope fans continue to have Adam's back against these negative remarks; I know I will.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady is a bully, and other fans love to join in pushing other fans out because they have a different opinion. There fanatics, and you either conform with them or not. I usually use this site to catch up with news of Adam but I've also found some excellent sites for Adam without all the bitchiness that goes on here, I've met some great fans of Adam's who are really lovely people and much more positively minded.

Anonymous said...

11:55 amen.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

JAK simply amazes me that the people on this site who seem to share an interest in Adam's career (or else why are you here....) never seem to be able to share one moment of joy for any piece of good news.

We have no say in the career path Adam chooses, we are just observers.......

The rabid realists and equally rabid protectors only create an atmosphere of disharmony.
What a shame. We could just be happy he is in demand at this present time and be hopeful for his future.

Anonymous said...

Why can't naysayers see that this collaboration with Queen is all positive and I'm sure the timing of release of Adam's music will be different than last time? IMO Adam is doing all these different gigs in order to find or sign with best recording label. There are hundreds of different business deals that happen behind the scene that we ordinary music listeners aren't aware of. Adam and his management know about it than we do and they are taking the best measures possible to keep Adam in the music scene. You can't demand I want your music right now. You aren't buying candies from store. It's costly music album and an artist wants to do the best possible ways to keep his/her name out there in a music world that people download artists' works for free.

glitzylady said...

Oh gosh! Of COURSE I was referring to the Wizard of Oz. I love Australia. I apologize if I offended anyone. I was responding to one person.

I also understand that everyone has a right to an opinion. However this is an Adam Lambert fan site and some of the disparaging remarks re Adam in this thread were just needing a counter opinion. Tired of the wank...

Anonymous said...

1:13, then don't add to it. Your original comment made things worse, not better.

Anonymous said...

12:07, would you share those other sites please?! I can't stand the stupid and bullying and complaining comments here!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, your apology sounds so sincere, I don't think.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy loves being the center of attention and of course her admiring fans will defend her when she is the rude bully.

Anonymous said...

There isn't anything realist with those who think they know everything. They are like little kids whining they want this and that right away. If they know about music business why don't they make their own music? No artists in today's music atmosphere work on their own. They all work and network with others to make themselves known. I'm thankful for all the opportunities Adam is getting and it's dreams of thousands of artists to get only one of Adam's gigs. I'm looking forward to 2014 to support Adam with his endeavors in music. BIG YAY!

glitzylady said...

This is the reason I seldom make comments here any more. My comment was meant to be silly and yet a response to another comment I found to be rude and offensive to many who post here. And dismissive of Adam and the things he HAS accomplished. Adam occasionally has no problem speaking his mind. And he sometimes pays a price for it. As I am apparently doing so here today.

My apology was sincere. Unfortunately I didn't think about the fact that my comment could be taken two ways and would be seen as an attack on fans from Australia. I am embarrassed that some would feel I would stoop to that. I'm not that type of person. However, my comment as I actually meant it, which was a direct reference to the Wizard of Oz, while a bit on the bitchy snarky side, stands. I've considered deleting it.. but for now it's staying....

I have that saying posted on my fridge at home.

"Don't make me get my Flying Monkeys"
I just assumed everyone would get the reference...

I'm a nice person by the I've been told...

I suspect that I'm seen as a "bully" only by those who disagree with me.

Anonymous said...

Try being nicer here and not the queen bee and it shouldn't be a problem.

Anonymous said...

wtf?! and who are you?!
who appointed you as the admin?

HK fan said...

ignore all the crap being aimed at you today...
just know that many of us love you and your voice of reason here....

Don't get how 11.10 didn't realise you were talking about the Wizard of Oz...

And agree with you about all the shit that gets posted on here. Its also the reason why I don't post that often any more.

This site used to be my go to place for anything Adam, not so anymore. It used to be such a great fan site, with everyone getting on together, even the more negative posters like Sad AL held a soft spot in our hearts...Its just not a nice place anymore.
I just wish Admin would do something, have us sign in and register, delete rude comments etc...

Miss so many old regulars like fan4fun, P.A.S, dinahmite,MGF,AG, darkside,Bing, funnbunn sad al, HH, tessforadam.
I know a few of these still post once in a blue moon, but its just not the same.
Sad to see it go so far downhill.

Anonymous said...

Someone around here is finally showing their true colors.

Anonymous said...

Glitylady's comment was downright nasty and a poor attempt at humor, and those of you defending her are most likely the same ones who relentlessly defend Adam when he acts a fool. That person had a right to their comment as anyone else and just because you may not like the way it's presented doesn't give you the right to attack. True colors is right.

Anonymous said...

Oy my Baptist grandmother used to say....JAK

Anonymous said...

Those of you who are attacking Glitzylady seem to think it's ok to attack her, but it's not ok for her to do the same, even though she seldom does? How is that fair? Just because she chooses to use her tag she is easily identified. I have seen over and over how she tries to be nice but sometimes, as we all do, our anger gets the best of us. I have done it myself and regretted it. Have any of you negaberts felt any incling of regret, because I've not heard it. Did you read her apology? I guess that must be a foreign concept to some.
You self-proclaimed "realists" seem to think that Adam has a say in picking fans and radio stations and television appearances. I have read that for one, radio station play is bought. Adam is not playing that game. Yea, he has made mistakes but haven't we all?

I just want to know one thing. Are you like this at work? At home? With your friends? If so, you might look inward and ask yourself how you measure up against others that everyone seems to like and want to be around.

Jak I love everything you said!

Anonymous said...

I don't comment much either any more because it gets so twisted up by the time a few people read it.When I owed my business I said some thing just to see how bad it would get all turned around by the time every one repeated it it was nothing like it started out to be.Happy for Adam pray for the best for him.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I'm an Australian and I know what you meant by "the Land of Oz" so no offence taken here. :)

Anonymous said...

@7:49 pm. It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about the concerts with Queen. Does anyone know if it actually says where they will be? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am million times excited for Queenbert. Got beautiful Christmas bonus this year. Thanks to Adam for helping me to be motivated and inspiration to be positive. I keep it aside as a present to myself to go to Queenbert concerts.

Anonymous said...

There's no way I could agree with anyone who insults or attacks others simply because they have a different opinion. Are they really a nice person, NO of course not, they want to be the centre of attention and criticise others instead of showing tolerance and understanding that we're all different. People who see themselves as the leader of the pack must have a number of insecurities, if anything I think they are to be pitied.

Great to see Adam getting back with Queen again.

Anonymous said...

This is a great opportunity for Adam to appear in concert with Queen again. If we have to wait for his third album, then this is the next best way to see Adam perform. There is a mutual love, admiration and respect between Adam and Brian and that is so nice to see. I guess all we need to know is the when and where in 2014. For those of us who won't be able to get to any of the concerts, maybe a cd and/or dvd will be released from it and then we can listen to these Queenbert concerts.

Anonymous said...

3:03 am, you get it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

How many times and with what words it requires to be said... It's NOT the differing opinions, it's HOW you state them.

This fandom is like a quilt. There are fans and there are fans... and then there are those fans and these fans... lol.

Here - on a fan site - most commenters are Adam fans to the core, some love him unconditionally, some love him 'despite his minor flaws' and some love him 'if only he would not flaunt the gayness' AND everything between these 'examples of categories'... Most or majority of the commenters tend to state their comments in a loving, positive and/or in a constructive way. Natural imo, when you're a fan of the man. Then there are fans who constantly find something to criticize, complain and/or nitpick, and those who want Adam to change so that he would be more mainstream... and for some reason can't or won't say it in a constructive way or without being rude/snarky/obnoxious.

Why is it so hard to state your differing opinion in 'a grown up' way...even (or especially) when you're using "the tag" Anonymous?