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Send questions for Adam Lambert at the TREVOR LIVE Red Carpet

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

I would just like to hear a great interview regarding current events in his life. A good interviewer will know what to ask; just make it spontaneous.

Anonymous said...

@1:38 How about American Blues Scene. They interviewed Tommy, who told mostly about Adam, so now they would love to interview Adam himself too..

Anonymous said...

@1:45 PM

Sure, whatever you feel you want to contribute to the question. I am sorry, I really don't know what you are talking about. I guess I am missing something.

Anonymous said...

@2:05 I just told what I know. You can check their twitter. They interviewed Tommy and Brian.

Anonymous said...

I think that because Adam has been interviewed so many times, there are probably very few questions that he has not been asked. As we have seen, they are often repetitious but he graciously answers them again. I don't know what I would ask him except something about his third album, but I am sure he is not going to reveal much about that.

Anonymous said...

Please ask Adam Lambert if he plans to do a concert locally in the LA area in the NEAR future? Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

@2:11 PM

I am sorry, I am not trying to be rude; I really didn't understand; What is American Blue Scene; is it a blog site or magazine? I read your post again; I am just trying to understand what you were saying, that is all. I believe you. I just had not heard about American Blue Scene.

I think I understand now; you are saying that they interviewed Tommy; and now they want to interview Adam. Did I get it right this time?

Anonymous said...

@3:44 Yes.

Hk fan said...

There's no point sending in questions...they'll be inundated with interesting questions from fans...but will pick the same 2 or 3 to ask him...i.e whats your favourite------?, what do you sing in the shower?

Anonymous said...

There is always a point to asking a question if you want an answer there is so much I would like to know about Adam. When he is going to be in the St.Louis area again is one.

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about an interview with Tommy.

HK fan said...

The point I was trying to get at, is that it doesn't matter how many hundreds of different, intelligent questions get asked by fans (and I know they are, as Often when things like this come up you see them all over twitter), it was that the interviewer will still pick banal, silly questions that have been asked hundreds of times....

Anonymous said...

@HK fan
Haven't posted in this thread before, but I agree. Really cringe sometimes how "lazy" some interviewers are, meaning not doing good background checking, new up-to-date interesting issue digging etc., and the banal silly Q's just keep coming...

Oh, how I wish somebody would be able to do and get a real heart-to-heart, long & thoughtful interview with Adam of today! One where they would let him talk... (love some of the older interviews, he is such a delight in soooo many ways!)

Anonymous said...

Probably good to keep in mind that not everyone who watches these interviews are die hard fans who already know the answers to many of the questions. You need to cover some of the basics for the nonfans/casual fans that are watching or reading.

Anonymous said...

I have a huge temptation to say to these possible late comers and new comers "google it" - there are tons & tons of wonderful Adam interviews in Youtube, fan site archives etc. Check them out, be iniative!

No reason to 'punish' die hard fans or other long time fans for wishing new, more in-depth interviews...and also ask for better groundwork from interviewers, politely of course!

Anonymous said...

8:18, are you kidding? There is a time and place for everything and I doubt the red carpet is the time for an in depth interview. You sound a little entitled with your comment.

Anonymous said...

Please read comments with thought before 'attackin'. I was talking about new in-depth interviews in general, said nothing about Trevor or any other red carpet 'quickies'. I just long for a new, real & long interview with Adam, the kind that have been done in the past. English is not my first language, so pardon me if you got it wrong. Entitlement is as far away from me as Adam at the

Anonymous said...

1:07, No you were not clear in what you were stating so pardon you for getting it wrong. Twice. The only thing you are clear about is being entitled to a long in-depth interview that is new to you while people who may never even heard of Adam are expected to go looking for interviews. That's not in Adam's best interest but why should that matter to you.

glitzylady said...

For those who are curious:

"American Blues Scene" is a magazine....

Two recent interviews: (Aug. 2013)

Tommy Jo Ratliff

Brian London