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Sexy Picture of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, he's thinking about me again when he should be concentrating on the concert.

hee hee ..
xo laura

Anonymous said...

haha laura, no he is thinking about me!

Anonymous said...

Miley has nothin on Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually ladies....he's been on a juice regimen since Thanksgiving and he's thinking about a cheeseburger and fries!.......sorry........JAK

Aunt Laura said...

Damn it, JAk!

:) xo laura

Anonymous said...

^o^ ......... : ))

Anonymous said...

I saw this picture of Sauli on my Twitter feed. Does he have a new boyfriend now? Is he back in LA?

Anonymous said...

Linda Ladden ‏@4evrmomof4
LIKE and share pic of Adam Lambert for the Elvis book >>

It will out in Feb. 2014

HK fan said...

If its the same Niko, its his long term friend from Big Brother, and he is married to a woman.....

Anonymous said...

Adam Shankman mentioned Adam on Good Day LA on FOX 11:

Anonymous said...

Thanks @HK

Anonymous said...

When I complain about Adam's career my husband tells me
that Adam must do things that we don't know about. We know he does follow a different drum but I'm starting to think he must be rubbing people that matter the wrong way. I hope I'm wrong but it seems his career is stalling.

Anonymous said...

Tonguebert again.

Anonymous said...

4:36 PM
Adam could never rub people up the wrong way .... ;-)

Anonymous said...

4:36pm ... I must politely ask ....

What the hell are you talking about?

Industry folks love him and love working with him, new album in the works, he is on Glee, playing gigs, and, yes, working on things behind the scenes like your husband wisely stated.

Adam is on a journey. It may not be fast enough for you, but everything in it's own good time.

Give your husband's ears a break and quit complaining. Maybe concentrate on doing something creative in your own life. It will make you feel better and help you see that time is relative in the creative world.

with love,
xo laura

Anonymous said...

4:36, your husband is correct, most of Adam's day is filled with things we do not know about. Adam is perfectly capable of running his own life well. Stop making up things to worry about and enjoy what we do get to see from Adam.

Anonymous said...

@xo laura
Love your post!
Adam needs more fans like you;
You seem like a wonderfully upbeat woman!