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SHORT VIDEO CLIP: Adam Lambert - WWFM at TrevorLive

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Oh no; just when I was getting into the groove. Thanks though; I will take anything I can get from that magical voice. Hope more will be coming soon.

Anonymous said...

sounds like it was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, I like this piano/voice version; so meaningful and a beautiful a-cappella of WWFM. The sound is very clear and Adam's voice shines again. I think this is very touching to the LGBT people watching...especially when he sings: Yeah I'm afraid...This particular lyric struck me as very sensitive during his AI performance, where he was enveloped in a green-cone laser with smoke swirling around him and we could only hear his voice shimmering...Yeah I'm afraid...
Hey, by the way I just mentioned WWFM a couple of days back...telepathy or so it appears. lol!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, Adam's angelic voice wonderful. More vids of full performance please?


Anonymous said...

Oh man that little tiny bit sounded great. Hope can get the whole thing. So glad RM was there to hear that. Sue

glitzylady said...

Full version: so BEAUTIFUL! Possibly the best and most heartfelt version ever...

glitzylady said...

And another full version, closer up: Includes Paula Abdul's intro for Adam...

Jadam NZ said...

So beautiful. Could be one of the best yet.

Anonymous said...

Unexpected WWFM rendition..brilliant..brilliant!.Loved when at the end his voice being overdrive mode where it changed from low gear to the max leaving people breathless , at last it landed gently on the ground leaving peoples jaw on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam, Adam. What a voice. We went more!!!!!

Anonymous said...

11:12, A capella is without accompaniment/music. This was acoustic.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing voice from a beautiful man. With so many performers lip synching(Selena Gomez, the latest) and auto-tuning,etc. it is so refreshing to listen to a meaningful, sensitive, briliant performance. WWFM, one of my favorite songs from Adam, just makes me love this man as a performer so much more.

Anonymous said...

A-cappella means "in the manner of the church" or pertaining to church music, chants, gospel music. It does not mean "without accompaniment music" per se. The latter is derived from early times when the congregation sang/praised God with unaccompanied singing like the haunting chants, church choir. Later on, harp and pipe organ were mixed/introduced into a-cappella singing in church.
In my comment, I described it as piano/voice version, followed with a-cappella....perhaps not totally wrong. I suppose the more common meaning is, without accompaniment music. By the way, Michael Orland's piano playing is sooo beautiful and Adam is simply fierce.
