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This Picture Says Everything!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 29, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they say? who is they.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post; just love it. For those who wants to know who said it; here is your answer:

"That's what the fox said"!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. I personally heard people say these stupid things. Also, have read it on different sites. Even on this site by jealous folks. So I love your post.

It is beautifully put together. The proof is in the pictures; so they say. For those of us who love Adam; he is even so much more than that. He has done so many more wonderful things. Far too many to mention here. But, love the little reminder for those who need it. Others have no reason to complain.

Good for new fans to see a tiny bit of what our beautiful man is about!

Anonymous said...

why reinforce negativity.

Anonymous said...

yes I have heard people say these stupid things so let's bring it all up one more time for the new year.

Anonymous said...

@10:37 AM
That's my first thought. Also why add more negativity to those who haven't thought of all these things.

Anonymous said...

So is sam @Kalebert_ a hater saying all these people are right?

Anonymous said...

10:46 no I am sure he meant well these are just opinions.

Anonymous said...

Sheldon(Big Bang) . . .. . . sarcastism??????

Anonymous said...

I think this is just this person's way of expressing themselves, commenting on what they have heard; and wanted to bring up a contrast. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion. Why are some people so bossy? That is what these sites are for; to express opinions in a polite and honest way.

If we are fans of Adam's; respect is the name of the game!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, that picture is many things; not quite everything, but I get your point. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Adam has much better pictures that are up to date, than the sixth one from the top, where he is by himself. Who really cares what idiots say. I really think you did it out of caring. But, there will always be people who will distort the truth. I don't worry about them; I just continue to love and support Adam.

Anonymous said...

Why must some of you distort every little single thing? Some of you can not see past the nose on your face.

Anonymous said...

Year 2013 is ending... therefore this is the perfect tweet with excellent, poignant pics to educate the ignorant and the negative! Maybe ya'll wise up by the end of 2014...

Anonymous said...

This seems to be a thing among teenager fans. They make up responses to pretend things to be able to post a picture.

Anonymous said...

yes a well meaning poster indeed. IMO

Anonymous said...

I get it. Over the last five years Adam has had to endure many insults by ignorant people but he won by being his sweet self. Adam is an inspiration to so many people. XOXO