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Very Cute!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 04, 2013


Anonymous said...


oh yeah

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he DOESN'T LOVE PUSSY:( or does he?!?! hmmmm that may never be known.

Anonymous said...

the only pretty kitty he is petting is TJR... let's procede

Anonymous said...

Amazing drawing of Adam:

@ListoffSAY: 319

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert ✔ @adamlambert
@preciousweapons were so good last night! Their new material is KILLER

Anonymous said...

Hump Day With Adam Lambert: Forever In Blue Jeans

Anonymous said...

@eve2dissolved: Adam Lambert in Studio Q interview...

Anonymous said...

@My_intuition69: Baywatch starring Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

TheHomePlanet @TheHomePlanet

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Come on! We love his voice and how he looks, walks, talks and most of all how he dances. Down right sexy! The rest is his business! I don't care who he dates as long as he's happy. Adam is everything beautiful. I enjoy him and so do my friends. Not much interested in what the trolls want to say....not important. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes we do love Adam! and that is a pretty little kitty.

Anonymous said...

10:37, that drawing is AMAZING! So sultry and sexy. Is the artist Russian? I love how talented artists produce such incredible paintings and drawings of Adam from all over the world! He is an artist's dream.


Anonymous said...


I'm not sure where the artist is from but she is a great artist. She has done tons of drawings of Adam and Adam liked couple of her drawings of him.

Adamluv said...

As a hugh cat lover, this picture is adorable! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

pussies would run him into the dog house.

Anonymous said...

@10:25 AM

"Yawn"; why don't you try and stay within the boundaries of reality; it just might help you with your Tommy problem!

Anonymous said...

@10:23 AM

Going off on your obscene rantings again. Who Adam likes, or does not like, in his private life is none of your vulgar business.

DO YOU TALK CRAZY, or don't you? Yes, I think in your case; it is known.

Anonymous said...

@1:24 PM

Can't help yourself, can you?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful kitten. I love animals. There are so many cute pictures of cats and dogs; in this pet magazine I saw at a friend's house. She has a cat and dog that get along so well.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That picture I just saw is so cute; know exactly how the little kitten feels. Adoreable. I know that Adam & family did have a dog when he was growing up.

Anonymous said...

@2:09 PM

If you were responding to @2:07.
If this is about her dog and cat getting along. As a matter of fact when she walks her small dog, her big gray cat which is about the same size walks with with them; right behind; the cutest thing.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't mind being cheek to cheek with Adam... *****sigh*****

Anonymous said...

"Heaven, I'm in heaven and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak....and I seem to find the happiness I seek....when we're out together dancing cheek to cheek." can dream

Anonymous said...

That pussy has PURRRFECT taste.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:48 you got the pussie problem.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:03 damn you are getting it aren't you?

Anonymous said...

anon 1:48 yeah the reality of your realm must be clueless. who is TJR?

Anonymous said...

@7:26 PM

No, but you seem to be very involved in it; so I guess you do.

Anonymous said...

@7:28 PM

You will have to ask @10:25 AM, those are the initials you, I mean they used. Your guess is as good as mine.

Anonymous said...

The place for the people with a juvenile sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

So why are you here?!

Anonymous said...

2:37, how would anyone know the comments were juvenile and tasteless until they opened the thread?

Anonymous said...

thought TJR meant Toe Jam Revival.

Anonymous said...

someone is getting off on the vulgar rantings. :))

Anonymous said...

anon 2:00 you must be vulgar yourself to even make such a suggestion. get your mind out of the gutter.clean it up