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VIDEOS: Rehearsal and Soundcheck!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Anonymous said...

What is that third song?

HK fan said...

rumour has it they rehearsed Red House by Jimi Hendrix??

Anonymous said...

That is so good, I remember when Adam did sound check at the Shorting Star Casino, in Minnesota, I could not believe my ears how good he was. The concert was something else, and it went to fast, did not want it to end. Cherish every minute of it.

Anonymous said...

Picture of fans to start NYE party:

@SteanBean91: Happy freakin birthday to us!! @adamlambert at Winstar tonight!! WAY TOO STOKED TO FINALLY SEE HIM LIVE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great time all you lucky Glamberts! Vids please to any of you who can get them :))

Happy New Year Glamily!


Anonymous said...

Some of us do not have instagram, so I guess we are out of luck.

Anonymous said...

Looking for a tweeter feed; someone else was also. I guess nothing came up.

Anonymous said...

5:46 I couldn't see any video, just heard audio snippets..Mad World with a different arrangement, Red House by Jimi Hendrix, and one of Adam's songs. Shoot, I can't remember which one now!

Anonymous said...

Avicii song with Nile and Adam,
Lay me Down in Darkness

Anonymous said...

5:59 Yes, that's it - thanks!!