Skinpress Demo Rss

Vote for Adam in Q102's Jingle Ball Bracket!! - Final Round!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

Voted several's 50% Adam and 50% Avril


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

ohhhh posting that on here will drive our trolls right over there. N/K

Anonymous said...

what?! why!!

Anonymous said...

voted until my fingers were stiff. still 50%. how does that happen?

Anonymous said...

I hate when they don't show the count. I voted for the last 15 minutes and no movement from 50/50.

Anonymous said...

How often is often? Every second? minute? hour? day? I'd like to do my share, however silly. It's for Adam, so silly is par.

Anonymous said...

3:49, Avril's fans are probably voting a lot.