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VOTE FOR @adamlambert at the Hungarian Award, Music Daily Awards NOW!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

I did I did,you can only vote once.

Anonymous said...

Just voted but I thought you could vote once daily?


Anonymous said...

DONE - for Adam!

Anonymous said...

I've tried voting more than once, but it won't let me. That's got to be good news for people who hate to vote, because you can do it once and have the same power as anyone else. And you're done.

Angelique said...

and the people with the biggest fan base wins?

Anonymous said...

yup- but not if they don't all vote

Anonymous said...

Done voted. I am hoping the Glee people are voting at least for the Glee one. That will help a lot. If they all know about it probably vote for all of it. They probably may have a small break in shooting now.
The show starts back end of Feb. so not much of one.
I wish this would be posted here each day to remind every one and for people like sure not many if them not computer smart..
I suspect some Hungarian people will vote for LMD being its charting no. 1 there.
I so hope he wins some of course want him all of it but be happy for some. Sue

Anonymous said...

Just voted in all Adam's categories. Can we vote once each day or once period? I'll try tomorrow and see. Yes, I hope that Glee fans give Adam and Demi some votes and that the Hungary fans give LMD a nice boost. I'm jsut glad that Adam is on these lists with other big stars!


Anonymous said...

DRG someone said here once a day. Think that correct. That's why I said wish they post this here every day. Pretty sure you can vote one time a day. Sue

Anonymous said...

Pick and choose what you want to believe. Everyone does.

Anonymous said...

Voted and yes, it would be great if the voting links could be posted here every day.

Anonymous said...

The Google search thing from the previous post is a better idea.

Anonymous said...

Both are important. Vote for Adam for Hungairian Music Awards and Google Adam's full name on google.

Anonymous said...

Please see previous post. The Hungarian Music Awards is a fan site run by teenagers. Much more important to Google Adam Lambert on various computers.