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Yahoo Music: "Adam Lambert looking very dashing tonight"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

yes! very dashing!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I just saw a previous post of Adam getting groceries. Where some Sauli people were nasty and some Glamberts took up for me. Don't know who you were but thank you. Il will always have Adams back don't care what they say about me I'm Titanium when it comes to Adam. It sure feels good for Glamberts to have my back ill do the same for you! Sue

Anonymous said...

Groomed to the max. As a mention Nile's in Australia. New show just added.

Anonymous said...

Can we stop pretending that there are classes of nasty? Adam, Sauli and Tommy are not responsible for ANY of the things their fans say.

Lady Gaga isn't responsible for her OTT fans. God isn't responsible for un-Christian religious people.

WE are responsible for what we say. That includes bringing up fights on other threads, which only starts new fights.

Let it go.

Anonymous said...

@Sue/11:56 PM

I am one of the Anonymous fans of Adam's that always have your back; glad you were able to see the posts. Sometimes they disappear so quickly.

I feel that it is uncalled for that anyone should be so disrespectful of another human being; In the way that I have seen aimed at you; from age attacks to other ridculous mean comments.

It is not necessary for anyone to be bullied for expressing an opinion; especially on Adam's own fan site. Quiet as it's kept; it seems to be one particular poster that is so outright nasty towards you. He or she needs to work out their own problems; and leave you the hell alone.

You seem to be such a lovely and devoted fan of Adam's and he need fans exactly like you; I love him too. Keep up the good and gracious support. Just ignore the naysayers whenever you can. Have a great day Sue!

By the way; our BB looked fantastic last night. Wow.

Anonymous said...

@6:20 AM / here/ correction: In the second paragraph should be spelled ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

If you are talking about the long thread with over 80 posts, I have to butt in... cause you are making (again) unfounded accusations... There was one short stupid post mentioning your tag by a stupid poster who was wrong assuming another post in that thread was yours, BUT you have no way of knowing who that poster was. And here you are (again) talking about 'Sauli people' and making unfounded generalizations & accusations - and bringing on a fight here for no cause! For all we know the poster there calling you out might be a full breaded Glambert, or the regular site troll, or whoever shitstirrer!

You yourself have made anti-Sauli posts in the past, you were caught on those and you have changed your ways (or so I thought)... I was going to congratulate you on your nice post in that thread (@11h something), but lost all inclination to do that now, sorry! Your love for 'Adam only' should not make you see attacks against Adam where there is none and not make unfounded generalizations to give bad rep on Sauli or Sauli fans.

And just for the record, I am a long time avid and deeply loyal Adam fan, who just can't stand these stupid fights here, nor the name calling, lack of fun & loving atmosphere @AL News 24/7 - after all this place carries the name of one of the kindest & loving singers/performers of our time!

Anonymous said...

I'd leave God out of this, but otherwise thank you for your post!
What happens in Vegas.... I mean in one thread, stays in that thread, ok?!

Anonymous said...

@7:31am agreed until any other comments related to others stayed at their fan sites and not brought here followed by bashing Adam and his fans on a fan site that uses his name, Adam Lambert. I know other artists ban such things. I noticed that with Carrie Underwood after her SOM performance, most websites didn't have comment sections and the ones that had were very difficult to leave any comments. Horrible comments about her performance was only on twitter during the show. Other than that there was a great deal control on websites to forbid any type of bashing. Hope one day Adam has the resources to ban negative comments about him.

Anonymous said...

@6:10am the whole universe that planet earth is like a speck of dust doesn't revolve around Christianity, you know! Everything you wrote about OTT fandoms is correct.