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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 2, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 02, 2014


Anonymous said...

Sweet love!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! He looks lost in song.

Anonymous said...

ok Lam-my what do you say about these numbers? lol

Anonymous said...

Red House was awesome! Tommy killed it. I had heard this is the music he loves to play. It suits his personality perfectly. I'm certainly hoping to hear more blues from Adam and band! What a pleasant surprise. :) But once again we find Adam can sing anything.

Anonymous said...

Adam sang Red House just as if he wrote it. He blew it out of the water. He loves this kind of music; it comes from his soul.

All the members of the band really killed it. So cute at the end; Adam applauded them. They all make such a great accompanying team for Adam.

As I played this over and over again; I watched each band member and they all seemed very much in their element; as they do with each song. But, New Year's Eve was certainly something special for them all. Red House was the bomb!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam The tweeters just keep on tweeting. The followers are really growing; and who would not want to follow you dear sweet Adam?

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice was great on Red House. But I'm thinking some of you have never listened to Hendrix or have your fan blinders on.

Anonymous said...

5:24 your fan blinders comment is so 2013.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have listened to Hendrix if you have not bring him up on you tube,he is great Adam never tries to sing exact like the original this is why he is so great Adam killed Red House.----blueeyes

Anonymous said...

5:56 PM
'So 2013' ..... pathetic comment.

Anonymous said...

5:56 straight to the heart, gets them every