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Adam Lambert On the cover of U~T Business

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 20, 2014

Posted at : Monday, January 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

From the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper Business section. Nice that they did a story on their home town boy.

Anonymous said...

Sorta newbie here....I haven't been following Adam for half a year. I just googled him and here I am, getting an update on him.

Is Adam releasing a new album? If so, what month? And is he really an indie artist now?

Anonymous said...

Not sure if the link to the article was here before.

Anonymous said...

11:14, welcome! We really don't know much about Adam's next album at this point. He said he was not going to share as much with fans this time and he has stayed true to that much to our frustration :) No word yet on a label either.

There is lots of exciting things coming like Adam on more episodes of Glee and judging on an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race and maybe some touring with Queen.

Have fun catching up!

Anonymous said...

So Adam's next chapter is pure business...not bad; maybe he's building a teeny-weeny empire starting with his own filming company; so he'll produce / co-produce his own tv films / shows. Yea, Koong si fartt chai...year of the dark horse that sprints from the rear...gee-dee-up...Aquarius is dawning. lol!


Anonymous said...

11:14, go check out YouTube, lots of great video from the concerts of the past few months.

Anonymous said...

11:14 oh brother you can do better than that. LoL

Jadam NZ said...

OT Read in our local TV Guide Glee will be doing a special 100 Episodes Special. Wonder if Adam will be included. Said would be March here so you Guys will probably get it before us, we haven't had the last Season with Adam in it yet. But I think it is coming.
Did anyone else hear about this?

Anonymous said...

JadamNZ wow we haven't heard from you in such a long time. We sort of get the impression Adam won't be on the 100th episode special but he has been filmed in at least two more ep that haven't been shown yet. It was a lot of fun the nights he was on. glee resumes around Feb 26th here. Glad you are ok.

Anonymous said...

Step aboard .....iAdam has promised great things are coming...pretty sure new record deal will be announced soon...but who knows....all I'm sure of is Adam is amazing....welcome:):)..... Rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam won't be in the 100th episode by the sounds of it. They are still filming it. Plus there are two episodes focused on graduation before Blaine and Sam end up in NYC. After that, the show is all NYC, according to recent reports. We will have to wait and see.

According to Brian May's recent soapbox, Queen dates are in planning stages. That will probably be summer. Everything in between will Adam's own music. Looks like an exciting year.

Anonymous said...

@Anon January 20, 2014 at 11:52 PM


Anonymous said...

This sort of article is cool imho, because perhaps it will make some people think - heck, those international fans must be enjoying something about this guy, maybe I should check in on him! Even if its only a small number of people, it's still cool... Rome wasn't built in a day!

Anonymous said...

And he is only starting, way to go Adam. Don't let money go to your head, stay true to yourself as always. Many rich people are the most miserable.

Unknown said...

good adam..

visit my site,lot of info you still did not know Click here now :-)

Anonymous said...

@ 11:34 Lammy
Don't change what Adam actually said. He did not say the next chapter was going to be pure business.
He said " the next chapter is going to be so pure. There is quite a difference in the meaning.

Jadam NZ said...

Thanks for the answers about Adam an the 100th Episode.
Ive been away but always checked in on my phone but must have missed this.
Thank you 2.27am its nice to be missed and noticed.

Anonymous said...

Yes I'm quite aware of what Adam may be driving at, and I've made suggestions as "pure" denoting his art form/singing; a higher and unadulterated form; perhaps in his 3rd album or even a self-directed short movie/video. And as Adam has said he is fortunate to own a small business brought about by being an entertainer. Well I linked them loosely together as "pure business" inferring his business is closely linked to his "pure" art form of music/singing/video etc. So don't the two words, "pure business' have some close connection in a broad sense?
I already anticipated someone like you would quickly jump on it. In fact I thought when I wrote "pure business"...hmm, someone/you will snap up this morsel from my table. lol! And yes, true to form, always hanging around my table, trying to prove you're one up on me. Hey, the only way to achieve your airy-fairy inflated motive is to come up with something original of your own; waiting for morsels to drop and quickly jumping on them, ain't gonna give you what you seem so addicted to.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't be complete without a rambling rant from Lam-my assuming all comments are intended as preplanned malicious attacks.

Anonymous said...

Like I've said before, if you want to shoot arrows, I'll reciprocate. If one sincerely wants to ask/clarify something, appropriate etiquette is the only way that works with me; not demanding an explanation of sorts; and I seldom rant. Look at the recent 159 no. of comments; not one rant was mine; probably a large number came from you! I just don't believe in ranting, terrible waste of time and grey matter. I recently used the word, rambling...Mmm you are, well, well, well...


Anonymous said...

149 of them were mine.

Anonymous said...

For someone that doesn't rant you are very very good at it.

Anonymous said...

Shooting from afar
Nameless, hooded
No substantiation
Hitting below par
So surreptitious
Also envious
Go fly a kite
Or gaze at the stars
Better still, listen to Adam sing
Will curtail attention-seeking
