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Adam Lambert Posts New Instagram Pictures

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 19, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, January 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam looks great.

Love the Shady sign.

Anonymous said...

I love the sign, too. Adam is lookin' mighty fine.

Anonymous said...

Adam is delicious sexy as always.

Anonymous said...

Shady? Where??

Anonymous said...

Adam and Markus????

Anonymous said...

Adam got photo bombed

Anonymous said...

Wonder what could be the significance of the bandaids(?) crossed?

Anonymous said...

Who did he photoshop out with the band aides?

glitzylady said...

There was someone "photo-bombing" the picture.....

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A little romance there????

Anonymous said...

at 8:45 PM

Or, there was someone very young in the picture. Shady.

Anonymous said...

The person behind the band aids is making a gesture that many would find offensive.

Anonymous said...

No romance, if you look , they were just having a meal together. Just at the same place at the same time. Nothing to get excited about.

Anonymous said...

Odd as it may seem, many gay people have friends, just romance, just friends.

Hk fan said...

Here's the photo with the person in the background removed, so no plasters...

and here's the original for those that might want to see it...

Anonymous said...

9:43 a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Anonymous said...

Just stop replying to the trolls.

Anonymous said...

Very cute that Adam took a picture of Shady.

Anonymous said...

OT. @Glitzylady. Congrats for Seattle Seahawks making it to the Super Bowl.

glitzylady said...

Awww thanks!! Seattle is full of very happy football fans right now!

Anonymous said...

Super Bowl day, I will root for your home team FTW @Glitzylady.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Adam enjoys hanging around with Markus Molinari and his entourage of stylists and models so much.

Adam will turn 32 and this kind of posing we have seen so many times this year looks very immature and annoying. He needs to grow up.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like what Adam is doing then stop coming to a fan site about him.

Anonymous said...

I don't think his "networking" with Markus has done his career any good, or any of the stylists who hang around him. He has been the one to do the helping, by being the star attraction at the bars that Markus is partners in.
He has helped the VIP back room, to be a profitable place for the owners. It keeps Adam out late, since they don't have to close til 3 or 4 in the morning. Then he must have to sleep late. Not much time for his own work. The only studio he has been to lately is for Glee, and that has only been one day here and there. If he has been to any other studios for his singing, all these months, then where is the proof. He has said he has written a few songs, but not put them to music.
Come on Adam, we are waiting , and waiting, for some positive news, that involves just you, and a new single.

Anonymous said...

People who think they are experts on Adam's career from the comfort of their couch are ridiculous.