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Awesome Fan Moment with Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

kissing the little girl on the hand. so so sweet.

Anonymous said...

A new young fan, that's what Adam needs, or any one in the industry.
Adam is a very caring person. I have noticed at his concerts if there is someone that is not filling good, and he notices them, he will asked them if everything is ok. If not he see to it that they get help. Now how sweet it that.

Unknown said...

i'm the third commenter..yeahh..

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Anonymous said...

So adorable,Adam has the kindest heart!

Anonymous said...

Now THIS is what it's all about!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is a sweet cat

Anonymous said...

This was in Biloxi on 12/29. I was there and he was the kindest person to this little girl and to another lady who was getting sick. He put on a Helluva show, but took time to take care of people. This is when he sat down on the stage and started talking to people. Class act!
