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Beautiful oil painting of Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful Adam and the painting

Anonymous said...

WOW that's what an artist does !!!!
You can live with a painting like that.
Every time you look at it you discover something new.
I want to see more of the artist's work....<3

Anonymous said...

Very nice, wish I could do this.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I have the perfect spot for it on my bedroom wall.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Very lovely painting of Gorgeous Adam! Great talent - thanks!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Now this one is really really good!

Anonymous said...

Incredible talent! Donate the picture to the man himself for his birthday. He HAS to love it.

Anonymous said...

That is not Adam. . .

Anonymous said...

Not the eyes, not the chin, not the shape of face or jawline, no both upper and lower lips and not the smile.
So, it's not Adam.
But yes, the art is that of a beautiful man, not Adam.

Anonymous said...

I agree w/all the previous posts!!so beautiful!!This looks just like Adam!!love the eyes,hair,too!!very,very,talented artist.

Anonymous said...

No, it is not a perfect copy of a photographic image.
It is an artist's rendering of what they see as the essence of Adam. Photographers and copyists are artists in one sense....but, this is the kind of artist who paints from the inside out. Look into those can see there's someone at home! There is a fire lighting up the face. This is what the artist sees when they look at Adam.
And what they see is handsome and appears charged with electricity, it gives me a BUZZ......<3

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add one of the things I like's not static.
Everything projects motion, the hair, the background, the tattoo, the feathery fur or furry feathers : )
It keeps your eyes busy.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! But I think it's a mixture of Adam and Paul Walker (RIP) Sorry ;)

Anonymous said...

@10:29 - @10:37
Like your posts, J... ust saying!
<3 back to ya!

Anonymous said...

Gotcha... ; )

I tracked down the artist.....googled....Fan Art by Olena Zvyagintseva ....
We have seen her work before. She did the portrait of Leila and Adam.
On the above site there are paintings of Ashley, Sauli, Tommy, Adam in Elmo jacket and ...<3...Adam and Brian together. I love that one....<3