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Complete Video of Adam Lambert's American Idol Journey (Video @LAMBERTLUST)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 20, 2014

Posted at : Monday, January 20, 2014

Relive the amazing moments!


Anonymous said...

only thing it doesn't have is the group performances and for some reason its missing Slow Ride. Other then that it has everything with Adam on American Idol 2hrs 16 mins! Enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for doing this. I haven't seen the audition stuff in ages. Looking forward to having 2 hours to watch the whole thing again. We are all truly obsessed with Adam, and I mean that in a great way. Thx again.

Anonymous said...

Couple of years ago, one fan made a complete AI video that had all the moments Adam was on. It was one long video with even the Ford commercial moments. It was a download and I have it somewhere on my old external hard drive.

I'll check Lambertlust's to remember the good old days. Although I cherish all of Adam's current accomplishments as well. Two great albums. Two great tours. Collaberating with icons in music industry. Gaining respect in music scene. And other mega accomplishments. Love him!

Anonymous said...

i have a folder on my with all 40 full episodes from season 8 in avi files on my computer. its over 18 gigabytes. Wish there was some way for me to share it.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I followed Adam's AI journey from the minute, go...right from the moment he was sitting on a chair, in a row outside the audition room; waiting his turn, looking apprehensive. It was just another AI episode, I thought, on tv. But no, not this time. Look out! It's an avalanche that's going to sweep me tumbling like a tumbleweed with no 'brakes'. lol! Yea, A Change Is Gonna Come, all right. I like, Born To Be Wild, a lot; that was really crazy-limit rock-scream. But they were all equally breath-taking.


Anonymous said...

This is awesome. Thank u. Going to watch this after dinner.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just one continuous stream of breath taking moments for me. I've long given up trying to decide which is best (I think it was after he sang "Beth"). I am totally grateful for him being who he is. ♫ ♥ ♪♪

Anonymous said...

I seldom watched entertainment on TV so missed AI completely. Stumbled upon Adam when I somebody told me about Adam's "My Conviction" on Youtube and this led me to "Can't Let You Go" and I was hooked hard. Just heard the stripped down version of
BTIKM and Nile Rodgers is right: He is a musical genius and I must add, of a unique sort. I just hope the music business doesn't drive him mad so I'm glad to see he's taking time to "Live the Life" and stay healthy.

Anonymous said...

So many emotions watching the early shows. He popped immediately for me & I was instantly smitten & obsessed. I knew he was special & so talented in so many ways. It's been a bittersweet 5 years - lots of high's, & a few lows (only so far as his struggles in the US sometimes). But I realy don't even care anymore about the competitiveness of the music biz - I still listen to him daily. He's my guy!!

Anonymous said...

Great tweets from Adam. I can't wait to see what is coming next! <3

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert · 19m
My first Idol audition aired 5 years ago. I can't believe it's only been 5 years! I feel like I've gone thru such an amazing evolution.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert · 19m
I can't wait to share with you all where my heart and mind are currently thriving. Without you all, there'd be no show and tell.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert · 14m
This next chapter is going to be so pure. I'm so excited!!! Let's get real.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Lambertlust for posting this! Luv it!!Brings back good memories of the best season of AI!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Lambertlust for posting this! Luv it!!Brings back good memories of the best season of AI!

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed watching the video today!Paula really got him from the get go! Idol will never be the same. Adam brought so much excitement each week and there is no other voice I want to hear more than his. Excited for the next chapter and many more!

Anonymous said...

7 words - how the fuck did Kris Allen win?

Anonymous said...

Wonder how many Adamgasms Paula had that season?!?'. This makes me luv her even more! She just got it!

Anonymous said...

@8:19 PM

I just laughed out loud. I'm sorry; I really didn't mean to, but your post was so unexpected and no disrespect to Kris Allen; so true.

I know I was speechless and hurt for Adam. But, he was such a trooper and acted like it didnot really matter. In the end, it really didn't. I still wanted him to win; because he deserved it without a doubt. It was said that all the artist backstage, including Brian May were speechless when Adam's name was not announced. But all water under the bridge now, and shines bright like a diamond!

Anonymous said...


I meant to say; and Adams talent shines bright like a diamond!

Anonymous said...

I have never been as invested in a contestant on Idol as I was with Adam Lambert. In fact, before season 8 and I did not watch the show that regularly. But there was something so special about him from the beginning that I couldn't wait for the next week's show to see what he would be singing and how he would be dressed. Adam is the only contestant I ever voted for on the show. Since then whenever I do catch a show esp. the top ten, I always seem to compare their performances with Adam's and no one has come close to him with his vocal talent and amazing stage presence. It's been an interesting and exciting journey following Adam and his career. I think the best is yet to come this year and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet above says helluva lot..."The next chapter is going to be so pure. I'm so excited!!! Let's get real."
There's something very substantial he has planned and bringing it in full efflorescence. I think his 3rd album is going to splurge like a shower of falling stars...Mmm how about a musical-like movie-video to accompany, with fashion and perhaps even a symphony. I think it has got something to do with the business Adam is hinting about.


Anonymous said...

Even though Adam did not win Idol, he has done better in his career than some of those who did win. It was a platform for him to let the viewing audience know who he was and to let us hear that amazing voice each week. It's been a remarkable five years and I am proud to say that I am a fan of the the most impressive vocal talent in music today...Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a diamond in the music industry that is filled with cubic zirconia. He brilliantly outshines all the others.

Anonymous said...

@8:43 PM

I honestly think you were reading my mind as you were typing your post. I am seriously not kidding. I felt exactly the same way. And feel the same way in "the aftermath". It's like isn't there anyone at all that comes close with all the excitement? The answer is alway's a resounding no! I just wish that Adam would one day be given a chance to sing at a big award show among all his peers; so people could see this amazing talented man as we see him.

I am thinking the Queen concerts should do wonders in raising awareness; I hope they have shows in the state. When the Queen and Adam concerts start. I hope they get lots of publicity and that they sell out.

Anonymous said...

Love reading all the comments on this thread....truly a pleasure. I appreciate all of you describing the feelings Adam evokes in me that are difficult to describe. Well done peeps! Don't we follow the most exciting artist?

Anonymous said...

I am totally addicted to "Red House". Soul man is so sexy.

Is there any song that Adam can cover that he does not sing better than the original artist. If I was a singer; I would put in the contract; Adam is not allowed to cover this song until never! Ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight dear Glamberts; Please let there be more exciting news soon. Can hardly wait!

Anonymous said...

I had never watched AI - thought it was probably corny. Then one night I was at my daughter's and they were watching AI - Adam sang "Mad World" and I was astonished ... and hooked forever. I must have watched that performance the next day at least 20 times. And the rest is history. Like so many here, I am obsessed, addicted and loving every minute of it. I've seen him perform live 6 times and can't wait to see him again. Go Adam! Can't wait for what's next.

Anonymous said...

I love this young man so much, he is like my son, I have to know what he is up to at all times. I check in to 24/7 all the time. Can't get enough. There is just something about him. Just change is going to come, I heard you sing this more then once, and not just on American Idol. I sat hear and watch this for 2 hours until this was over, and the time went so fast. It seams like yesterday. I will be a Glambert forever.

Anonymous said...

I ' m crying. Adam lost over 20,000,000 fans in one day. Did this kiss worth the global fame and hundreds awards? But Dr. May and Mr. Roger never ever forgot this performance! This is make me happy forever!

Anonymous said...

So many memories. Can't get over how poised he has always been in his public life, even in hard times. He truly is a class act. He is what we wish we could all be all the time; comfortable in our own skin with no apologies. He is more than just the most incredible singer ever. To me, he is a study in generosity, grace, humility, individuality, self-expression, courage, and too many other traits to list. Before I place him on a throne, I'll back up and say he is prone to mistakes like all humans, but the way he has learned from them is commendable. Not to mention, he's sexy as can possibly be. He is a thief. I can't think of "Ring of Fire" as a Johnny Cash song anymore, just like so many other songs he's covered. He is a chameleon. He seems to be ready for any situation. I say all this out of love and admiration. When will the naysayers in the world wake up to what we all know is true?


Anonymous said...

@justpeachy I feel guilty because I never heard about Johnny Cash before Adam's "Ring of Fire" performance. I moved to US just few years ago. My husband big fan of JC but he loves Adam 's version of Ring of Fire.

Anonymous said...

I miss this. good luck to Adam and his evolution. I find this hard to watch because it is the excitement of the fantasy and the talent that evolved to something I don't recognize. I still hope the new phase of Adam will be exciting and bring new fans.

glamitup said...

I remember I had a work meeting and was gone a week when "that" season started. I asked my daughter if there was anyone i was going to like and she said " I know you, and you are gonna love this guy with black hair, he was in Wicked." I will never forget that! How right she was! It has been a journey with Adam from that day forward. Always dying to hear the latest news on what he has in store for his fans. Feel like life would have been quite boring without this great discovery! Lol I still see bigger things in his future. He has way to much talent not to reach the full potential which is huge! I will stay tuned as I know there is so much more to come.

Anonymous said...

I love the way Adam has been changing over the years...he is still the same man but he is unpredictable never know what to expect but it is always awesome..whether it is dressy,casual or Adam unique! him more each day. and he can sing anything to perfection..

donnaw said...

I just got home from being away for 2 weeks and have a pile of laundry up the wazoo.....but i ignored EVERYTHING when i saw this post and have just spent the last 2 hours in utter bliss.....

I loved brought back such incredible memories!!

And i totally agree with 8.19. How the "$@&*" did Kris Allen win?.....i STILL cringe when i hear him sing with Queen......

Anyhow....Adam, we ALL love you!!

Anonymous said...

Kris is a nice guy, fairly talented, but no match for Adam, and he knew it. I believe he thought Adam should have won, and said so. So don't blame Kris, and remember most of all these talent shows are popularity contests with most voting coming from the rednecks of middle America .

Anonymous said...

What amazes me about Adam...he can sing the way he does and when he is finished he goes right back to being the sweet loveable Adam. His fame has NEVER gone to his head. He was still the winner in my book.

Anonymous said...

I have all of Adam's performances on a video index saved in my favorites. It's not just Idol, but basically each musical performance he has done. When I need an Adam "fix", I just check out the index and select any one of them I want to watch.