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Gorgeous Adam Lambert poster in Japanese magazine『INROCK 2 (magazine out Jan. 15)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Anonymous said...

Yes it is Gorgeous! Good for Japanese mag INROCK 2

Anonymous said...

With this hairstyle, he's beginning to look like Robin Thick to me and that's not a compliment. When you have hair as gorgeous as Adam's, why oh why have it cut so short on the sides that all one sees is scalp. Not his best look IMO. I know you'll all say, "but that's the style now." When has Adam not had a style all his own until now? just asking

Anonymous said...

Japan loves Adam!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

It seems mustaches and small beards are all the rage now and Adam has those so he doesn't always have a style of his own. The shaved sides and back hairdo is definitely "in" now and Adam has conformed to that style as well.