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HD VIDEOS - Adam Lambert - Concert - Winstar Casino, OK - New Years Eve 2013 (TALCvids Version)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Vocal superstar, #1 Billboard album chartist, Grammy nominee, songwriter, actor and LGBT role-model & activist Adam Lambert returned to the Winstar Hotel and Casino to close out an extremely memorable 2013 with a high energy show in front of a wildly enthusiastic crowd who'd travelled from far and wide.


Anonymous said...

Loving all these videos! Wish I was there!

daydreamin said...

Ditto that. Adam was having so much fun up on that stage. He sounded so darn good!

Anonymous said...

Concert sucked. No props, no entertainment. He is my girlfriend's favorite artist. She was so disappointed especially after he was lipsinging his first song. Now I could understand it if he has a bunch of dancing and a big theatrical site going on but he was just walking around. Big disappointment