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Las Vegas Video (SKIP To 4:30 to see Adam Lambert)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 2, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 02, 2014


Anonymous said...

This type of night life is as foreign to me as the intergalactic bar scene in Star Wars!.......JAK : )))

Anonymous said...

My smile got split up again!..... : )))

Anonymous said...

Me too. And it's because it's my choice to keep it foreign to me.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks kind of bored/and or unmoved by the whole celebrity thing. He is always so calm and matter of fact. Must be a joy to be around. Such a stable force.

Anonymous said...

next time I am in Vegas deff have to check that place out. I think the drum line was for the opening night which would have got on my nerves after a while.

Anonymous said...

Miley made big $$$$$ opening that place.

Anonymous said...

@3:48 PM I don't doubt Miley made big bucks. Good for her. That is what it's all about in today's world.

Anonymous said...

I'm contented that I'm not attached to fame or money or whatever earthly goods.
And i don't have any tint of envy for all who have these earthly honors and fame.
I have appreciation and gracefulness to witness what Adam has to offer - beauty, talent and a great human being.