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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 17, 2014

Posted at : Friday, January 17, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam looking a bit bored in the second pic but oh so cute IMO in the one outside with Adam in the red plaid pants with the right arm outstretched!


Anonymous said...

He didn't ski while in Aspen???

If he did, how come there aren't any pictures of him doing that? At least I haven't seen any.

Anonymous said...

And Markus with his tiara... not the coolest outfit at a sports resort.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Somebody is obsessed with wanting proof Adam skied.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have switched from duck lips to either photo bombing or looking detached ;)

Looking cool and stylish.

Anonymous said...

at 1:41 AM

Well, if Adam spends a week at a ski resort, then surely it is only logical to expect that there might be some skiing pictures too. Not an obsession, just a question out of curiosity.

Anonymous said...

I like the tartan pants on Adam. Very trendy at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Who said Adam doesn't do snow sports ;)

Gelly ‏@14gelly 25m
NEW TY! via jwujek
Some hot cataraMAN #snowadventures #aspen #beauty #mountain
RT @_coma_berenices:

Gelly ‏@14gelly 16m
AHAHA HIS FACE! via jwujek There's sNOw adventure like a SNOW adventure @adamlambert #ridingTheMountain #aspen

Anonymous said...

Well if Adam goes to a ski resort and does not ski; oh the "horror"! That would be like going to a bar with friends; and not drinking, like going to a dance club and not dancing.

Somebody hand that man a pair of skis. Not only does he have to put them on; there has to be pictures of him actually gliding down the slopes. He also has to have the perfect facial expression; and the perfect matching ski outfit; like in GQ.

Some in his unconditionally loving fandom will settle for nothing less. Adam must meet all of these standards or he will have verbal hell to pay; by some of those who claim to love him so unconditionally!

Anonymous said...

3 07
Oh god shut up

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so adorable in his plaid pants and cute jacket! He is so patient about the constant picture taking of him wherever he is. Adam is very much a good sport!lol

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so adorable in his plaid pants and cute jacket! He is so patient about the constant picture taking of him wherever he is. Adam is very much a good sport!lol

Anonymous said...

I only posted it once honest!

Anonymous said...

at 2:41 AM

Riding a snowcat, sports Adam style? :DDD

Anonymous said...

@3:09 PM

Very mature and classy. What's the matter; did it hit to close to close to home?

Anonymous said...

at 3:14 AM

I think Adam and Molinari look as out of place as they possibly can. The other two fit the scenery a bit better.

Get back to LA Adam sweetie, asap.

Anonymous said...

3:19, my kind of sports too :)

Anonymous said...


Even better, why don't you.

Anonymous said...

3 23
It's annoying. It's tedious. It's obnoxious. It's being an asshole.

Anonymous said...

@3:07 AM

Very good points.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so happy; he I seems to be getting many compliments; people seem to just love meeting him from all tweets. Good for him.

Anonymous said...

3 27
And how do you describe your own presence and constant total downer postings on this site?!

Anonymous said...

@3:27 AM

You may be right by saying all those things about @2:09AM, but I would not be too hard on he or she; some people get totally upset when they feel not everyone agrees with their point of view.

Anonymous said...

3:47 AM Here//correction

I Meant; saying all those things about @3:09, sorry.

Anonymous said...


Please take your own advice.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so gorgeous in these pictures. So many handsome men there.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks that this really isn't Adam's cup of tea. Nor mine. Although am sure he loves the beauty of Aspen.

Anonymous said...

Adam stands alone majestic wherever he goes.

Anonymous said...

That's one of the nice things about Adam; he still fits in and has fun wherever he goes; even if he is not participating in a certain activity. Good for him.

Anonymous said...

A square peg in a round hole.

Anonymous said...

I hope the week turned out to be a success for them, especially if Adam gets a share of the income. But I find it rather unlikely that Markus Molinari with his tiara and woolly scarves and Adam who can't ski(?) really appeal to today's trendy and sporty gay guys. But, I've never been to Aspen so perhaps it is different world over there.

Anonymous said...

@4:16 AM

No disrespect meant; but are you for real? What is your hang up with this "Adam can't ski (?)" question?

Also Markus and Adam are up there with many friends. I am pretty sure that Adam can fit in anywhere, even appeal to today's trendy and sporty gay guys (as you call them), if that is who he is attracted to. Really don't think he has a problem. Yes, you do live in a different world then Adam period; regardless to where he is.

Anonymous said...

Not buying the fish out of water picture. Adam used to ski as a child and he water-skis so he's more athletic than people give him credit for.

Even if he doesn't ski this week, have you ever been to one of those resorts? They look like little Swiss villages with chalets, condo-style residences and Euro-style shops and restaurants. Lots to do even if you don't ski. Gorgeous.

Adam is hot - sporty guys have eyes, ears and hearts and they will get him.

Anonymous said...

@4:15 AM

Adam is so used to being in that position in life; but somehow always prevails.

Anonymous said...

at 4:35 AM

I never said Adam had a problem. Nor was I talking about Adam's attractions. It was just a comment about whether their clothes and looks are the best kind of PR for a club at a winter sports centre, that's all.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. One pare of pants has red strips up and down the legs. The other pare has Black strips up and down the legs

Anonymous said...

@4:52 AM

They are among their peers; there are probably a lot of people dressed even more, let's say different, than Markus and Adam; you are just not seeing pictures of everyone. Actually, Adam and Marcus are not dressed alike; everyone doing their own thing; which is the way it should be.

Anonymous said...

@4:58 AM

Nice, very trendy!

Anonymous said...

Adam please stop party and drinking so much.have you forgotten about your fans and your really starting to lose interest in you.What happen to you adam?

Anonymous said...

So happy for Adam; so glad he is having fun.

Then back to reality. Queen, Glee; and so many wonderful things awaiting him, that even we don't yet know about, I bet. He is probably feeling so happy inside.

Anonymous said...

@5:12 AM

Who woke you up? Please go back sleep.

Anonymous said...


Why don't you just quietly leave; don't have to announce your departure. No one cares; with that condescending attitude, Adam will survive just fine without the likes of you.

Anonymous said...

5:12 AM

Just a suggestion, why don't you tweet your statement and question to Adam? You may have a better chance of getting an answer from him.

Anonymous said...

The cowards who criticize every nit picking detail about Adam from the anonymity of the internet need to step out into the sunshine and go to Adam and say their say to his face.

Anonymous said...

@5:48 AM

Bravo! Well said.

Anonymous said...

@5:12 AM

It appears someone on here has been drinking; and I don't mean

Anonymous said...

@5:12 am

Please speak for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is just a couple of days. He's there with people who know him. He's helping open the new Bootsy Bellows. He's mingling and getting to know new people. Nothing to worry about. He's got good things coming this year.

Anonymous said...

It's appalling the number of people who think it's okay to sucker punch Adam from behind their computer.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Adam's mind may actually be elsewhere in some moments. Could be my imagination...

Anonymous said...

3:07 good post.....Adam is having fun. Some people have to analyze every friggin thing. Having fun, looks good, nice pants,.

Anonymous said...

When does Adam get to be a judge in Aspen?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Burning Man is more Adam's scene than snow in gorgeous Aspen.

Anonymous said...

I think boys are looking hilarious on 3rd photo. And I'm sure they never planed to ski. How come all of you so upset about it?

Anonymous said...

who is that lady laying on everyone?

Anonymous said...

Adam should ski with a grass skirt and tiara on.

Anonymous said...

@7:12 AM
Agreed, but one adjustment to your post. I'd go with 'to bad so many of you are upset '. I try never to ask 'why?' lol

Anonymous said...

Something is very wrong with some of you. After reading this thread I don't even want to stay here. What kind of fans say shit like this. You don't need to love everything Adam wears but there is no need to go on like this about it or where you think he should or shouldn't be. Go find somebody else who fits your expectations to be a fan of and stop ruining enjoying Adam for the rest of us.

I am appalled that this goes on at a very visible fan site and that admin does nothing about it. Makes her complicit.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Admin does this to get hits to make money from the hits!?

Anonymous said...

@6:25 AM - Post #1

Could be. Everyone is not always in the moment; I know I'm not. Might have the exciting news about Queen on his mind; who knows. When I try to guess what someone else is thinking, I am always wrong.

Really does not matter; I always have a lot on my mind. I am pretty sure Adam does too; he is quite a thinker. He seems to be enjoying himself overall.

Anonymous said...

@6:54 AM

Contrary to your observation; I believe Adam's scene is whereever
Adam chooses to be. Adam has been many other places besides Burning Man. If you are a fan; it seems as though you might know that, just saying!

By your statement, it appears to me; that your condescending attitude is rearing it's ugly head.

Anonymous said...

@7:12 AM - Post #2

I don't know; but she might be a very happy lady!

Anonymous said...

@7:13 AM

Why? is that something you and your whatever often do? Adam will do whatever he pleases; he does not need suggestions from you.

Anonymous said...

7:12am :#1

You can't be sure of anything, because you are not there. Don't worry about the people that get upset, reality will set in soon.

Anonymous said...

@7:13 AM


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is so powerful; he can sure stir up a lot of excitement; When Adam speaks, people listen. A little trip can get tonuges wagging all over the world. Oh the life of an international superstar.

When this beautiful, gracious young man was born; what a glorious day that was. Now we are all enjoyings the wonderful talents of the beautiful, gracious man. Who by all accounts loves his fans as much as his fans love him. So honored to be a Glambert!

Anonymous said...

OMG hilarious

Anonymous said...

People who nitpick and rag on Adam for petty things as his clothes, hair, etc. should hold a mirror to themselves and see how that goes. "We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are"--Anais Nin.

Adam is too busy and too smart to care about the petty comments, but we true fans would prefer you just quit it and appreciate someone for the joy and light they bring. I love how Adam acknowledged he was not perfect, saying he may say, wear, or sing the wrong things, but he hopes he says, wears, sings the right things, too. Everyone's entitled to opinions, and some may not be pleasant for diehards to hear, but when opinions border on annoying and petty, even stupid, the criticisms reflect more on the source than on the object of their pettiness.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:45 stowe it.

Anonymous said...

@9:52 AM

You first; and the rest will follow. As Adam sang; "free you mind, don't be so shallow"!

The are those that can dish it out; but, boy is it hard for them to take it.

Anonymous said...

@7:19 AM

Don't you mean an adjustment to your post @7:12 AM #1, after reading it and seeing that it did not make much sense? It still doesn't. You sound so much alike; Just saying.

Anonymous said...

@9:02 AM

Bravo! Very well said.

Anonymous said...

Jak here.......I have never experienced such sustained squabbling as I have since I discovered Adam and became a fan.....and I taught school! My kindergarteners were easier to deal with. Sometimes these threads sound a lot like the US Senate or House of Representatives. No wonder this has been the least effective Congress EVER!

Now....if you only go places where 'you fit in', why leave home? Isn't the whole idea of 'getting away' seeing new places, meeting new people, experiencing other than the everyday? My greatest adventures have been to be completely out of my element. Though in Adam's case I doubt he's ever out of his element.

He seems wonderfully content in Singapore, Bali, Finland, Toronto or Miami! I wish he were coming to my families birthday party for my g'son this weekend.
I think he'd like my funny family and would be a worthy opponent in our cutthroat Rock Trivia game. I think he is a completely secure, social person who enjoys life.
Bravo for him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:06
Please count (from your 12:06 post back to the beginning of this thread) how many posts are yours in this thread?!?
Maybe you could slow down a bit... and think a little before you answer or react to these troll-ish posts...

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm wondering the same thing other have: is ANYBODY skiing at this "Ski" weekend???

Anonymous said...

Yes, check out the link that was posted and called "gross" on another thread. Parading, dancing, skiing, lots & lots of photos.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why so many here keep asking about the skiing. From looking at twitter it is obvious some people did go skiing, just not Adam and his friends. Markus was there to represent his club during a big tourist event. Who knows or cares if Markus or Johnny can ski. Maybe their fans care but I don't.

HK fan said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again....this is the only FAN site that this happens on.....the squabbling. the shitty non fan comments etc.

Anonymous said...

Well, excuse me, for asking an innocent question. To me it didn't look as if anyone even in the big crowd picture was in ski gear. I simply wondered given the event was a ski weekend event. No need to be nasty and accusatory in your responses.

Unknown said...

who is this guy..look ugly

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