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Most working part of Adam Lambert's body!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 2, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 02, 2014


Anonymous said...

Did he adversely inspire Miley?

Anonymous said...

I think the tongue is part of hitting the high notes, but thanks to Miley, I am totally sick of looking at tongues, coated or uncoated. I don't find them aesthetically appealing.

Anonymous said...

He combined Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus together for this look. I thought he was an original but maybe not. Loving him anyway.

Anonymous said...

In some photos I mistake Thicke for Adam - much to similar.

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertSG: Adam Lambert won the "All-Time Favourite Jingle Ball Performer" poll at 53%!! Congrats!

Thanks for voting Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Adam for winning the Jingle Ball poll. It keeps his name out there while we wait gorgeous new music in 2014.

Anonymous said...

YAY all our voting paid off.

Anonymous said...

I've always enjoyed seeing Adam's tongue. It's as perfect as the rest of his beautiful mouth.

Anonymous said...

Love when he's singing and needs to move his tongue forward to hit a note but just to do it..nope it's silly. IMO

Anonymous said...

How many ways can we make Adam look goofy?

Anonymous said...

I wish he would stop doing that . It isn't very sexy at all. His smile gets to me much more.

Anonymous said...

Mistake Thicke for Adam . . . as soon as he sings . . . BIG difference! Talking about BB

Anonymous said...

I don't like the tongue thing either it's as bad as crotch grabbing . . .vulgar..

Anonymous said...

BTW . . . Adam more beautiful then Thicke inside and out!

Anonymous said...

Jingle Ball voting . . missed that one . . .darn!

Anonymous said...

TongueBert - immature & silly.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish all posters here had been onboard from the get go and knew 'the history' of these terms of endearment... :))) Nowadays many posters here seem so oldfashioned, narrowminded and out-of-the-loop of of what's Adam about... Rock Gods don't just stand behind the mike & sing! Long live the fun & sexyness of Adam Lambert!!!