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New Group Pictures Posted by Lee Cherry "Angles, angles, angles"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 19, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, January 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

who is the pretty lady in the #2 pic? great eyes on both:)

Anonymous said...

Adam is BEAUTIFUL!! I wish him love, health, happiness, and success.

Anonymous said...

Shave Adam! Shave! It's called a razor!

Anonymous said...

Adam, never shave! You are so gorgeous with facial hair!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a very handsome guy. Facial hair has nothing to do with it. He is handsome no matter what. No opinion about hair will chamge that.

Anonymous said...

Lee Cherry has such a "touch" with Adam. He just captures his essence. Always classy.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He should let the beard grow out, so he can look like a Bareback Lumberjack.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful people! Great photographer. Gorgeous
Adam M. Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Adam; I love you just the way your are!

Anonymous said...

Love Scarlett's hats!

Anonymous said...

Do what you want Adam; it's called a choice.

Anonymous said...

Don't change a hair for us!

Anonymous said...

11:41, it's Abreea, his hairstylist.

Anonymous said...

LOVE Sutan's hair color!!!

Anonymous said...

Grow a REAL beard, Adam if you're brave OR take us back to your gorgeous clean shaven face.

Anonymous said...

The girl in the 2nd pic has beautiful eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

Do whatever you want with your beard Adam, it's your face.