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Paula Long Tells The Story Of Getting Adam Lambert Cameron's Pendant

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Anonymous said...

I have said F*** Y** so much I can't keep count. didn't know there was a pendant that says it as well. 2014 is gonna be interesting

Anonymous said...

That was amazing! Know he loved that. Sue

Anonymous said...

Dedication paid off eh!!!:)

Nice story indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

Awe, nice story!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that something when a bunch of glamberts get together they get so excited. I experienced this at a concert. It was fun talking all good about ADAM. It is so much fun in person. We all had something in common. Hope I can do that again sometime. Do these women comment on this blog
24/7? In this video.

Anonymous said...

Wow! To be so loved by so many! I wonder if Adam ever dreamed during his time on Wicked that all this glory would be his. Every time Adam shared a real piece of his life with us, we loved him even more!..............nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

what a nice bunch of women, Adam is so lucky to have fans like them.