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Sexy and Unique Fan Art

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

Sexy and sophisticated!

Anonymous said...

I'll give you the unique.

Anonymous said...

Not quite sure that this looks like Adam. But a nice try. I couldn't do this. You are talented.

Anonymous said...

lol. not sexy & unique at all

Anonymous said...

It's OK but the mouth is wrong.

Anonymous said...

No one ever seems to get those perfectly plush pouty lips right.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, don't give Adam any new ideas!

Not sexy!!

@ 6:36....I do portraits, if you want to hire me to do one of Adam, I would be willing to spend an extensive period of time with him making sure I get the mouth just right!

Call me...maybe?