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VIDEO: Fans from Brazil and Portugal Wish Adam Lambert a Happy Birthday

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014

VIA adamlambertportugal:

Happy Birthday Adam Lambert!

For this special day, your Glamberts (from Brazil and Portugal) worked hard once again on a special gift that consists in a slideshow full of cute pictures with lovely messages and beautiful visual effects as a way to give you a big smile!

I hope you enjoy it! As well as all Glamberts of the World!


Anonymous said...

yes I enjoyed that very much thank you dedicated Glamberts of Portugal and Brasil.

Anonymous said...

2014...Birthday Poem for Adam

Adam at thirty-two
Young, sexy and well-to-do
What's in store for us...any clues
Must be a beautiful rainbow of multi hue
Another year of fun ride in his hot-air balloon
Sing your songs of love, pop, rock or blues
We'll be there in presence or in spirit
Wherever your concerts take you...
"The next chapter is going to be so pure..."
Yea, with inspirational, sensual allure
Pour your heart and soul out in songs to cure
Broken hearts, disappointments; your voice reassures
Hey Adam, best of luck to your business venture
A new direction of entreprenurial architecture
That'll nurture and secure your fascinating future
A house on the mountain perhaps, a sunny, homely enclosure
Five years on...I've followed your ins and outs
Have a fairly clear view what you're about
The crux of the matter though, for me
Is your terrific sense of self, so proud
Perhaps a show of gratitude to AI, no doubt
Opened their doors for your songs and love
Whole world is trending your 32nd birthday
With messages, poems, videos, heartfelt bouquets
Into my crystalball I gaze...what does the ball say...
Mmm, flashes of green and red, golden beams radiate
An intricately interwoven cosmos fabric
Happy Birthday Adam !!!
From Glamberts...swelling the wind beneath your wings
For an elegant rockstar to take flight, soar and sing
Regardless what the fox says...Adam, just bring on your thing ! lwl!

29/1/2014 12:43pm Singapore time

Anonymous said...

Great job, such love, and a great message. Hope he sees this. Happy Birthday Adam.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Great birthday greeting! Such a lot of work went into it. Brazil & Portugal Glamberts - U ROCK!!!

FABULOUS poem, Lam-my - thank U. Wish Adam could see it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! for your appreciation. I wasn't sure where to put my poem and then this beautiful Brazil/Portugal video used Lay Me Down, a favourite of mine and then I said yes, that's it. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Love your poem Lam-my! Love this video!

Anonymous said...

9:33...Thanks a million! :)


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my You're very welcome! Love to read your comments!

Anonymous said...

Here is the Adam's Birthday Donation info from the We Are Family Foundation. Besides the artwork you can also make a donation to sign a Birthday Yearbook for Adam:

"The We Are Family Foundation is honored to announce that Adam Lambert has donated his birthday to us for the second year in a row!

Adam’s turning 32 and we have TWO very cool ways you can help us celebrate while helping WAFF empower teens across the globe."

Anonymous said...

Thank you Glamberts from Brazil & Pirtugal!
Watch this vid!
All these YOUNG fans - Adam should really have a concert in these countries SOON! Here's hoping... :)

Anonymous said...

This is just AWESOME!, Adam should take a trip to some MORE countries to see his Glamberts. He will.
Happy Birthday Adam

Anonymous said...

Happy happy Birthday baby so I can't call you my baby. Seem impossible you are now 32 oh my do we all love you with no buts or maybe. On this January 29 I say to you once more a happy, happy birthday BABY! Love your poem Lam-my love your poem! Happy Birthday again Adam got to go to the doctor. Hope Adam raises lots of money and has a fabulous day! Sue

Anonymous said...

Amazing, just amazing!
All over the world thank you, M

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful video! The Glamberts from Brazil and Portugal are so talented. I have to watch it again - it makes me very happy!
p.s..I hope our dear Adam gets to see this!

Anonymous said...

I saw a participant in the video from Chile as well! Congratulations! Great job all!

Anonymous said...

Never feed the Lammy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much Sue! Coming from you makes that much difference! In the same breath, the kind, appreciative Anons above, also.
Yea I did pray the Our Father, every day, asking God to see you through your ordeal. You're a fighter and yes I knew you would appreciate my poem because in our different way, we care for Adam; it's the same, basically. Best of health to you! :)


Josy Loos said...

Thank U all!
Really we, brazilian glamberts, love Adam... and we wish he can come here soon!!!