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WWFM by Adam Lambert, has now sold over 2 Million in the U.S!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Anonymous said...

Pretty good showing up there especially compared to powerhouse sellers like Carrie and Kelly.

Anonymous said...

If you click on the Billboard link in the tweet and scroll through the questions there is an interesting comment from Aloe Black about not being credited on Avicii 's album. Sounds like he has a good attitude about people eventually finding out it is him on vocals.

Anonymous said...

Takes one hit song to make all the difference. Adam's biggest hits are still ahead of him. I like so much of the music he has made beyond WWWFM, esp. the fact that he has worked with, and will continue to work with, top names in the music business.


Anonymous said...

This is great; always like seening Adam on the winners lists. Congratulations Adam.

OT: We are still being asked to give Adam's cover of "Marry The Night" as many hits as we can for his Birthday. Views are past 4 millilon 7 hunderd thousand. Adam's Birthday is tomorrow, January 29th.

Anonymous said...

Who is asking for hits to Marry The Night?

Anonymous said...

The fandom is.

Anonymous said...

Every so often I still hear WWFM on a radio station in this NYC/NJ area and it always brings a smile to my face. I can identify the song by the first note that Monte played on his guitar. Hoping that this year and a new album will bring Adam several hits from it. Whenever I hear a character/actor on a tv show ask that question of someone, I always think of this song by Adam.

Anonymous said...

Monte didnt play on the album

Anonymous said...

No, but he played it plenty of times onstage. That counts. I also think of Adam every time I hear someone on TV or in a movie ask, "What do you want from me?" I start singing it in my head

Anonymous said...

Carrie Underwood songs sound the same. She is repetitive in everything she does. where is Jennifer Hudson on the list. She is very talented, but underrated. Adam should be higher on the list.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Hudson got a movie coming up soon. She played Nelson Mandella's wife in the movie and she is working on her new album. I don't know second or third. She also has her weight watcher endorsement, I think.

I love Adam's voice the most. His voice has a special ring to it. It's like honey. Beautiful range. I hope he finds a great producer to make him a great album. Personally myself, I want him to work with Nile Rodgers for his third album. Nile is a brilliant musician. Also hope radios are on board to play Adam's music. I hear WWFM on the radio once in awhile. But they mostly play Carrie and Kelly songs.

Anonymous said...

Carrie and Kelly are seen as Middle America and fit the mode for "everyone's music". Adam is an artist who is true to himself and does not wish to blend in or settle. If he did, he could put out Christmas cds or pretend to be someone else so his music will get played. Adam is keeping it real and pure. Eventually the masses will catch up to his greatness.............nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

If Adam couldn't be no 1 on this list, I'm glad it's filled by Kelly. I much prefer her voice & music to Carrie's.

Anonymous said...

I feel several other Adam songs should be on the list and WWFM, though not my top favourite which is Outlaws of Love, should be listed way above on the list. This is not trying to belittle other singers; they too have worked really hard to get to the top. Still, top or bottom, it doesn't dampen Adam's extremely high belief of his art form; that's what a true artist is and Adam is one. They don't let listings and awards stifle their creative genius. Sometimes I feel this kind of special talent can be very demanding of the artist who has no choice but defy all the odds to express his burning desire and love for his art form. Like he said, as long as he can sing/act/make albums of his songs, it's good enough if he just does that his whole life. But...they always rise to the top and yes Adam will be there, at the top with his unique voice power and originality; no other direction but up. :)


choons said...

@2:08 Hit (and listen) to Marry the Night on Youtube.
That's where the counting is I think.

Anonymous said...

@7:45 Yes watch MTN on You Tube. Happy that WWFM sold so well. Fingers and toes crossed his next album gets him a big hit on A3 that gets radio play. Then a Grammy award and sings it on the next Grammy show. Just want to put everything out there to the universe for Adam! Adam has said himself he wants radio on board. He's still a superstar to me know matter what. His voice is perfection!!

Anonymous said...

oops I mean @7:44